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I kept running down the hallways until I saw an empty classroom and I ran into it, Mike & Tyson followed me, the others broke off somewhere. We could hear the guards as they ran pass the door.

"Fuck Don, that was close"

Nodding I breath out.

"Getting caught my foster parents would kill me if they found out back home, specially my dad.." I started to get a little scared as I thought about my step father.

He use to beat me as kid, that's why as soon as I was old enough I left, but I still keep contact with my foster mother and she's still with that monster.

"That was fun as hell man! You seen that bitch, gasping for air" mike laughed as he sat on the desks.

Smirking I thought about what we just did, that should teach her a lesson about staying away from my Anais she's mine and mine alone.

"We lay low a couple days, if that girl show up to school tomorrow we'll keep giving her hell until she breaks off her friendship with my girl." I tell them, they only nod.

I was currently in the nurses office with Tracy, I swear the only thing coming out her mouth was curse words. She was really mad.

"I'm so sorry Tracy...I told you not say anything you don't know Donovan like I do, he's dangerous. I know u wanna protect me but it's only gonna make things worse for you..." I explain to her sadly.

I didn't want anything bad to happen to Tracy because she was trying to protect me from Donovan.

"No way, he pissed me off now. If he thinks he and his lap dogs can beat me up and get away your dead wrong. They fucked with the wrong girl." She hissed put fire blazing in her eyes.

I let out a deep sigh, I just wanted a normal peaceful school life...Donovan brings nothing but trouble and pain yet I fall into his traps. I don't understand him.m

"You should just let it go...if u know what's best for you. Please I don't want u to get hurt" I try to pled with her again, she than stood up and pushed pass me.

"Yeah he can beat your ass but that asshole won't get away with beating mine."

With that she left.

I didn't know what to say or how to feel, she was right. He could beat me and hurt me and I won't be able to anything about it....is it fear? Yes it is. I fear him but I can't help but wonder if he could be different and treat me differently. There's gotta be a reason why he does the things he do, it's like he's trying to control my life. Scare away anyone that could possibly make me happy and have a normal life.

After some time of thinking I decided to head home, my mother was waiting for me outside. Walking to her car she looks at me with a worried look as she looked towards the school yard. Sure enough there was Donovan standing there staring at me like a hawk, he didn't smile or anything. That made me nervous.

"One second I'll be right back" I tell her, she nods and I gave her a reassuring smile so she doesn't sense the fear I'm feeling right now. Putting my bag in the car I slowly made my way over to Donovan, he had two of his friends with him they were eating apples, Donovan played with a switch blade as his eyes stared into mine intensely. My heart pounded in my chest, but I tried to assure myself that Donovan wouldn't do anything stupid in front of all these people and knowing my mom is right back there I should be safe right.

"Well we'll look who it is!" One of the guys exclaimed earning laughter from the other guy. "Do you think she learned her lesson?" The guy says pushing himself from off the tree he was leaning on, I gathered the courage to speak.

"Please.." looking at the guys, I looked at Donovan.

"I just want to talk to Donovan."

"You rude little bitc-" the guy was cut off by Donovan sticking his switch blade in the guys side away from everyone view.

"I dare you to finish that fucking sentence." He grits now glaring at his friend. I saw his friend step back a little.

"S-sorry Don I didn't know." The guy stutters. The other guy watches quietly as he bite his apple again.

Donovan walked over to me and grabbed my arm pulling us away from his friends, whimper a little I tried to pull away from him afraid he's gonna hurt me. He held me tighter.

"Stop. I ain't gonna hurt you, just giving us some privacy." He explains sensing my fear. I stopped struggling and he let my arm go.

"Well go on speak." He says.

I chewed my lip nervously.

"Are you just playing with me? One day you act like you care and the next you torment me and people around me, I don't understand why can't you just leave me alone than it's obvious I'm not your type and you just like to have a punching bag please don't do this to me anymore, I don't deserve this all I ever did was like you and all you did was hurt me for it. Why Donovan? Why.." I felt myself about to cry as I wiped my eyes.

Suddenly I felt someone rub my cheek softly, looking up at Donovan he was close to me, he creased my cheek.

"Don't say that. Don't tell me to leave you alone cause it will drive me crazy it'll make me angry." He tells me.

I was still confused. Suddenly he stared me dead in my eyes, I couldn't tell what he was feeling.

"You deserve everything I'm going to do to you and give to you. I'm gonna break you just so I can fix you again. You left remember." He whisper to me deadly calm.

I felt myself shaking as I stared at him with fear. This wasn't a good idea. Snatching away from him I ran back to my mothers car. I have to get away, I have to get away from him, he's gonna kill me I know it....I won't fall for his lips his affection towards me he's crazy and I will not get involved with him again.

>Till than Presley<

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