Chapter 7.5

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 [Gabie's POV]

Arriving home, I thought it will be peaceful but I think I expect too much again.

"Miss Gabrielle, Signore Felipe wants to meet you in his office"

Did I do something wrong again?

After being escorted to his office, I immediately talk since I really want to take a rest in my room.

Me: "You called me, fathe-"

Felipe: "Are you already done playing the fake fiancé act now Gabrielle"

My eyes widen from what I just heard from him.

Me: "Pardon?"

Felipe: "Stop acting like you don't know. Now called off your stupid act and you will marry Louis whether you like it or not." - He stops whatever he was doing and looks at me.

Me: "Wait, I think you're mistaken-"

Felipe: "How come I've mistaken?" *chuckles* "You should make sure that nobody knows about your little play so you will not get scattered around"

Me: "But father I don't w-"

Felipe: "It's an order or else you know what will happen to your co-actor."

No words left in my mouth since I do know what he can do.

Felipe: "I'm giving you two days to call off the contact."


What just happened, Gabrielle?

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