Yan Yan

175 0 0

COO 79
Rate 2/5

Su Yan adored Xie Yu for many years and finally got what she wanted, but Xie Yu ran away on the wedding day, making her a laughing stock. At that time, Bai Xingfan appeared in front of her. He held a black umbrella in his skeletal hand to shield her from the heavy rain, and the other hand stretched out in front of her with a gentle and determined voice: “Don’t be afraid, still With me.” Su Yan was stunned with tears in her eyes for a long time, and finally, she reached out to Bai Xingfan.

The rate is purely my preference, the story itself can be said okay. My hope is reading ML with possessive or paranoid thing to MC. The opening showed that but overtime I got disappointed repeatedly until I hate MC then also dislike ML.
ML met MC accidentally, then suddenly love at first sight? He then live next door to MC. ML got younger brother, one time the younger brother want to rub MC meal so both of them went to MC house. They are neighbor for 2 months. Then MC move away.
MC love a man from junior school. The man have ex-girlfriend, after graduation he went abroad with the ex-girlfriend. But suddenly he got bored with the ex-girlfriend and still yearn for MC. There's analogy the ex-girlfriend is red rose and MC is white rose. When he was young he prefer red rose but then realize he actually want to be with white rose for a lifetime. Yep so scum line.
The man went back and date MC after a year broke up with his first girlfriend. But everyone else thought MC is a mistress destroying the man and ex-girlfriend relationship. MC endured it without telling the man. Then on their wedding day, ML threaten the man and force him to choose saving his father and family or marry MC. The ex-girlfriend also cooperate with ML to took away the man. The man then left MC at the altar. MC and everyone else thought he elope with the ex-girlfriend.
MC run away and lost. ML show up and took her home. ML younger brother knew that ML plan it but strangely he didn't feel guilty to MC. He just said that MC is really hurt and everyone talk bad about her. ML said he will make them shut up but there's no action or follow up.
MC younger brother hit MC ex-boyfriend and got trapped by his family. ML take MC to the hospital and let her take care by herself. ML driver said that MC may not able to handle the family but ML said he want MC to knew the family true face. MC and her younger brother got beaten up until ML show up handsomely. I began to hate MC here, she is 24 yo that can be said living independently with her family background: grandmother doted on younger brother and never like her, parent who still take care of her but still prefer the son more. The least she can do as independent woman is not crying easily or at least have tried to resolve but on every conflict she will naively think she can solve it and will fight for it but ended up crying in 3-4 sentences without doing anything then conflict solved by ML family background.
The funny thing is later when MC is afraid an artist beating her up due to her relation with ML, MC best friend said MC has a fit body so she won't suffer. This is after 5-6 chapters after the beating scene, really funny.
MC is a screenwriter for 2 years at least. Then she work in a crew, the 2nd female lead want to change the script that will disrupt the storyline. It was said repeatedly that MC never got this issue on her previous works but she need to make sure the storyline won't change even if offending all people and got fired. So she told the director and new scriptwriter hired by the artist. And of course they reject her flatly, mock and yelled her. Of course MC is crying again and ML show up in time and solve the problem. Now you know the routine.
At first I can relate with MC since I too act like her in some things. Buut she is really indecisive and have no personality. She realize ML is wooing her, she got trauma and reject ML at the same time got tempted by the perfect ML. I know that feel but girl just directly say yes or no and be done with it.
It was said MC got trauma in relationship but she easily fell in love with ML and soon plan the married. I assume it's not even 1 year. Then I also got disappointed with ML behaviour. He is cold with everyone and only gentle or rouge to MC. At first it show that he is not good with communication but then he several time accidentally act like romantic expert.
Last is the ending, I keep skipping some chapters and didn't read the ending fully. MC found out the truth from the ex-boyfriend. MC said I want to leave ML but I'm pregnant so I can't. The ex-boyfriend gamble that ML will kill him after finding out he took MC away. MC believe in ML will change for their child. ML comes and beat the ex-boyfriend. MC panicked and thought yes this man is worst and will never change. Then ups got miscarriage, ML panicked and self blame. MC got into hysteria and said she hate ML and want divorce. Not sure if they really divorce or not. In the end there's some accident, ML got hurt and went to ICU. MC of course felt distress and forgive him. Then ML paranoid and possessive just got cured like that.

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