Chapter 26

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“Is it true you joined the theatre nerds Tiago?” Damon asks.

“You are kidding? Why would he join those losers?” Charles asks.

“Wait is that why you don’t show up for rowing practice anymore and you are always disappearing off to who knows where?” Jamie asks.

“Yes I joined theatre and no they are not losers.” Tiago says and focuses back on his food.

“Of course they are losers. All they do is play pretend while prancing around the stage talking and singing about things no one really cares about.” Charles says.

“I mean how sad must your life be that you would rather pretend to be someone else?” Jamie adds.

“Maybe Tiago’s life is sad too that’s why he joined. Is the harem not giving you enough attention these days Tiago?” Damon chortles and the others join in.

By the way he is clenching his knife I can tell their laughing is getting to Tiago. But honestly what did he expect?

“You guys are just bitter he is going to have even more fans when everyone finds out. When’s opening night T?” I ask.

“Tomorrow night.”

“I am going to be front row so that when you are famous I will be able to say I was there when it all began. I will bring the biggest bouquet for good luck too.”

Tiago chuckles. “Thanks, Pat.”

As I walk into the theatre, I realize I have never seen any of the productions the theatre club puts on. I didn’t think they were this popular either but the place is packed. I am not sure if they are always like this or if it’s because of Tiago. That guy draws a crowd wherever he goes.

I see some parents in the crowd too so maybe it’s always like this on opening night.

I am only here to cheer on my best friend so I wasn’t expecting to be entertained but I find myself getting drawn into the story. And not only Tiago’s parts either. By the end of it I join the rest of the audience in the standing ovation.

I wait for the actors to come back out and present Tiago the bouquet I promised.

“I thought you were joking.” Tiago laughs.

“You thought I would miss your big day?”

“No but I didn’t think you would actually bring flowers.”

“A promise is a promise. I don’t see your parents, did they leave already?” I ask looking around.

“I didn’t tell them.”

“Why not?”

“Too much pressure. What if they think I suck or worse, they pretend I don’t?”

“They wouldn’t do that.”

Tiago raises a disbelieving eyebrow.

“Okay maybe your dad would but your mom would cheer you on as long as you are happy.”

“You may be right. I’ll invite her to the next one.”

“So I am going to be on mom-duty for a few minutes. Stand over there.” I say motioning to a wall.Tiago laughs but complies.

I take a bunch of pictures, some with his fellow actors too. I pick out the best and add some of the earlier ones I took of him on stage and send them to his mom.

“We didn’t take any together.” He says handing over his phone to one of the actors, I think his name is Ken, to take the picture.

It somehow ends up turning into a photoshoot with us competing in having the weirdest poses. It is only broken up by his mom’s phone call.

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