Chapter 11: Daddy issues

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N a t h a n s . POV

It was Saturday and I woke up to complete silence, a change of pace from constantly trying to wake up early to try and turn off Liam's alarm , which as crazy as it seems , I missed . Even though he did some stuff I wouldn't necessarily condone, I've decided to forgive him , not only for the sake of our friendship but because it was just the right thing to do , my mom would always tell me "forgive everyone because Jesus still forgives you" , she's a really devoted Christian and most of the teachings I got from her stuck with me , I rarely prayed or even read my Bible but I still believed that there is a God out there who loves people enough to save them from the wrath they deserve and knowing that ,I always wear my cross necklace that I always hide inside my shirt , why? Another thing I honestly don't know . Thinking about my mom made me realize that I was going to meet her tonight and so were the others . I got up and opened my door to the sweet SWEET smell of  freshly baked muffins , Liam probably misses this , I chuckle as I notice that Amitola and Yeri were already here . "Does he always wake up this late?" Amitola asked Konane as he took the last batch of muffins out the oven , "Actually no , he's one of the early birds in this apartment of ours , so...." He turns to me , "why did you wake up so late?" I looked at the clock above the tv and noticed that it was already 10 am and I was rather shocked , " guys he's had a rough week , let the man rest" Yeri said as she took a bite of one of the muffins , "oohhh defensive are we?" Amitola whispered to Yeri , but not quiet enough for me to not hear , I noticed the little glare Yeri gave her and did my best to act like I didn't notice . Speaking of noticing ........ "Jeremiah's not up yet?" , "oh he is , he's trying to catch up on stuff he missed when we weren't in school" Konane said , reminding me that our little break is over too , making me groan at the thought of all the work I need to be updated on . "That reminds me , I heard him talking on the phone with someone, a female to be specific, maybe a special someone?" Amitola inquired wiggling her eyebrows as Yeri rolled her eyes , "Nah it was probably just his sister" Konane backed Jeremiah, "or not , but hey we'll never know" Amitola said as she grabbed one of the muffins and handed it to me as I gave a her a thankful smile .

The morning went by pretty fast , either the day was going by fast because we were meeting my parents or because I woke up late . It was now half past 4 and we decided to get ready considering that my parents house was an hour drive away
from here .  "Black or white , black or white , black or white?... UGH! I can't choose!!" Jeremiah said as he plopped down on my bed , we were currently in Liam and I's room , "Nate , please .....I ...... I need to to know ......*fake coughs* ...... which one , black ......or white?" Jeremiah asked in the most dramatic way EVER , "chose whichever , they're just socks" I responded as he hurriedly got up and gave me a look , here we go , "just socks?, bro , when one of your best friends parents invite you to a white formal dinner , you need to look presentable!" He said as he lifted both pairs of socks to my face and asked once more , "Now ,black or white?" , " I guess ........" and right before I could answer , "you guys ready?" Konane said as he came into the room dressed in a pair of white diner pants , a white dress shirt with 2 of the top buttons unbuttoned with a silver slightly chunky chain around his neck , he had a matching silver watch to go with it and the shiniest black loafers I had ever seen in my life with his relatively short hair as neat as ever , "Dude......" Jeremiah said as he turned to me "your dad better hope your mom loves him enough because Mr Aka over here might steal her away" , "do I look good?" Konane asked , Jeremiah and I looked at each other wondering if this guy was seriously asking us if he looked good when he definitely did .

Jeremiah finally and thankfully decided on what colored socks he was going to wear , black ,which Konane just told him to after he tried bugging him too . We decided to head to the parking lot to wait for the girls .

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