Chapter 22 - Hopeless Wishes

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Leonardo's POV:


Smiling softly to myself, I watch my Melody skip happily along my side as she absentmindedly hums a soft, melodic tune to herself. I chuckle quietly as she brings her strawberry ice cream up to her mouth before rapidly shaking her head and recoiling away from it at the cold sensation. So damn adorable. I make sure to keep her close to me at all times as I hold her hand in my own in a firm, unyielding grip.

Once we had finished swimming, eager to feed my wearied girl, I had taken her out for dinner. Afterwards, she had enthusiastically requested to go out on a walk for ice cream. Despite my better judgement, I had no choice but to agree in an effort to reward her willingness to overcome her fear of water. Regardless of my previous agreement, I cannot help but feel uneasy as I watch my girl venture into the late hours of the night. She should be safe in my house in my bed and asleep right now and yet I've allowed her into a questionable position. Fucking idiot.

As we continue walking, Melody in her own little oblivion, I notice a middle-age man who drunkenly leans his body on a brick wall, glare pitifully at me before his attention shifts to scrutinize my girl. Suicidal cunt. Not wanting to make my angel uncomfortable, I resist the urge to immediately beat him to a pulp and instead settle for slyly flashing him my gun, promising death if he continues his actions. A satisfied smirk tugs at my lips as I see the familiar glimmer of terror light up his eyes before he rushes to divert his gaze. Fucking pussy.

"Look, Leo! A lucky penny!" Melody animatedly demands my attention and I immediately turn to her only to find her bending down to pick up a rusty coin that she spotted illuminated by a street light. Childlike innocence brightens her features and I cannot help but beam down, lovingly at her. Everything about her is endearing to me and I stand forever in awe at how such small mannerisms make the world infinitely more beautiful. She makes my world infinitely more beautiful.

Pulling me out of my love stricken daze, I notice how her eyebrows pull together in deep concentration and how she clasps the penny tight between her dainty fingers as she mutters inaudible words to herself. "What are you doing there, baby?" I chuckle adoringly as I gaze at her, completely puzzled by her actions.

"Shhh, I'm making a wish," she whispers a reply, only increasingly my laughter. Funny little thing.

"Ah yes, of course, how could I be so stupid," I feign understanding, causing Melody to shoot my a spiteful glare. I roll my eyes amusedly and ruffle her hair making her scowl in annoyance as she tried her best to tame it back into place. Bless her heart, my sweet girl couldn't scare anyone even if she wanted to.

"Stop mocking! I'm serious. When I was younger my dad and I used to make wishes together whenever we found a lucky penny and he swore that they would come true... although now that I say it aloud, it does sound a little silly, doesn't it..." I watch in discontentment as her once delighted expression dims into a heavy disappointment whilst her head drops towards the ground. I curse at myself for making her query such a personal memory and rub my hand frustratedly down my face, pulling at my skin in discomfort. She's so delicate, I need to be more careful with her.

"Hey, hey... it doesn't sound silly at all, love. In fact, I'm certain your father was right," I easily lie, desperate to salvage the enthusiasm she felt over that damn penny. Gently, I cup her cheek so that her big eyes move to bore into my own and send down a reassuring smile.

"You really think so?" She hesitantly asks, her mind, evidently, still undetermined.

Bending down to plant a soft kiss to her the top of her head, I nod in assurance. "I really think so," I mimic her words and my body physically relaxes as a familiar smile covers her lips. Thank the fucking heavens. "What did you wish for baby?" I probe, eager to distract her from the previous incident.

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