Chapter 11. Intriguing

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"Aiden, you haven't taken a bath in two days, let me clean you with wipes and change your bandages," Eliza said as she came out of the washroom with a First Aid kit and wet wipes. "

In the morning," I yawned. "Now," She said. "No, not now, I am tired," She laughed. "You don't have to do anything, that will tire you, I will be the bandaging and cleaning you,"

Come on, Aiden, you Don't want to sting. What if Ruby came. She would think you have poor hygiene. I groaned as I let her strip me out of my clothes. She took a wipe and carefully cleaned my body. "Okay, come on, let's go to the washroom and wash your hair," She helped me to the washroom and I sat on the bathtub.

She cleaned my hair with shampoo and then washed them with water. "All done," She said and put a towel over my hair. We went back to the room and dried my hair with the towel. "Now, lay down,"

I lay on the bed, and Eliza was treating my wounds and changing my gauze bandage. The door opened again and the previous two bastards were here again with Ruby. I pulled the comforter up.

"Sorry again but they won't stop crying," Ruby laughed. "Come in," Bitch! We are fucking naked! Eliza put the bandage down. The three of them came in. "Mommy, stay here tonight?" The girl pouted. Never. I rolled my eyes.

"yes, honey" Eliza pinched her cheek. "what no!" I snarled. She ignored me and sat them both down on the couch. "I said no!" I repeated. Eliza came to me and tried to remove my comforter.

"Not in front of them" She smiled and said "okay, go to the washroom, I would be there," "No, kick them out," Ruby said "I will leave," stop her, she might think, you hate her. My wolf commanded.

"No, not you, these two assholes," I said immediately. "Aiden, no need to curse," Eliza warned. "But.."

"No buts, they are staying with me tonight," I groaned and said "Atleast get them out, til I get dressed," "will do," Ruby said and took them out. She took the gauze and wrapped it around my stomach. "You will have to get used to them, now that Claire is out, there are going to come back to me,"

"They can, just keep them away from me, I do not want to be around them," She got my clothes and started dressing me. "I am not staying in this room, if they stay here," I said with a glare. "We will see," She went and open the door. The two bastards came in, and Emily gave a sly look. "See, how she is looking!"

"Aiden, don't do that," Eliza said. "I will get going, tell me if they cause any problems for you," Ruby said. I looked at them and Eliza, They sat beside her and cuddled into her on the couch. Let's go,you told her if they stay we are leaving.

I held the table and was trying to sit up. "Aiden, don't move so much, keep laying," Eliza said and went back to the two assholes. They were laying their heads on her lap and saying something.

I was gossiping with my wolf about them when both of them started crying. What is wrong with them now? Maybe they heard our communication. I snickered. Eliza looked at me with her angry eyes. "Shh, there is no milk but you want to nurse?" They both nodded and sniffed up.

Eliza removed her shirt and bra. I reverted my eyes as they did...the stuff. I could still hear their voices, it was making me uncomfortable. How would it feel?

What? know. This what?


Oh, girl don't think about such baby stuff,

I have noticed you have being more and more inclined towards your little headspace ever since that accident.

I am so not!

Oh yeah? Why do feel fuzzy? Why are you having these thoughts?

I was just curious...

I looked at them and I started feeling fuzzy again. See, it is happening again. "It is not!" I yelled and shot up. "Fuck!" I groaned at the pain it caused. Eliza rushed towards me. "Aiden, I told you not to move too much, you need rest"

"I need fresh air," I said and got off the bed. "Hold my hand," She said.

"No, mommy! We time" the boy whined. "Aiden, please, wait for a while, I will take you out in a while," "No, I want to go now," I said, glaring at them. "You can wait," "so can they," Eliza looked at me. "Don't start behaving like that again," I spat "like what?!"

"Don't be like that! Stop behaving like that!" I mocked angrily. "Calm down," She put a hand on my shoulders and sat me down on the bed.

"You both come to bed," She ordered and they both came to bed and laid on each side of her and started nursing again. Seeing their joy while nursing made me want to try too.

I frowned. See, I told ya. Shut up. I got up and Eliza asked. "Where are you going again,"

"Pwease" I cleared my throat. "Please, I will be right back, let me go," I opened the door and went out. "but where are you going" I closed the door. I went to the balcony and stared down.

"What are you doing here?" I turned and saw Ruby. I smiled at her "Nothing, wanted fresh air," "yeah, must be exhausted in the room,"

We remained silent before I spoke. "How do you bare those motherfuckers?"

"They're not that bad," She said. "Why did they not get someone else as their mommy?" I asked.

"I was the only one without any little," She said. "Why?" I furrowed my eyebrows. "Because I am a teen and a newly converted vampire?" She chuckled. She is a teen? Shh, it is a good thing, we are close in age.

She continued. "I was new in town, Eliza and the others saw me and thought I was a little because I was too freaked out over my conversion, they took me in and soon realized, I wasn't a little, they still kept me as a caregiver," "Nice," I smiled.

"Your mommy is searching for you," She said."huh?" "I can hear her," I rolled my eyes. "I do not want to go now," She took my hand and said, "It is not good to ignore your mommy,"

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