Swift is the blade of justice

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She sighed deeply as she watched him put on his armor.
"If you insist on doing this, you better not die." She glared as he smiled at her. "That smile is not going to save you from me when you get hurt."
She huffed.
"I will not die, but I may get hurt. This needs to be done. My sister, her life did not deserve to be ended so soon or so brutally." He clenched his fist. "This is just one step for justice of the innocent who were wronged that day." He kissed her forehead.
"I know, but this will be your first real act as king." She held his hand in hers. "I do not wish to see a reign filled only with blood."
"Nor do I, my love. Once those who have wronged this kingdom have been punished appropriately, we can usher in a reign of growth and prosperity for all."
"Keep thinking that my heart, and you shall stay on the right path."

All the lords and ladies had gathered to watch the trial. Their king stood proud and strong on one side of the ring while his opponent looked ever where for an escape. As steward started the match the child killer ran forward. Jon snow beat aside the sword and then severed the man's arm and spilt his blood upon the freshly fallen snow.
"The gods have decided our match, I hope you never find peace in death." He cleaned his sword with a rag before throwing the soiled cloth onto his body. "Take him and burn his body. Send his ashes back to his family so they may morn their son."
"My king," Ned Stark approached with a bow.
"Uncle." He nodded. He noticed the look of pride on his uncles face. His heart felt happy. Everything felt to perfect.
He was right. A man from the nights watch rode quickly into the training yard.
"My king, lord Stark, I must speak with you at once!"  He looked like he was about to collapse, his horse wasn't any better.
"Perseus tend to his horse. You come with us." She stepped forward next to her husbands guard. In a low voice she whispered. "Find out what that horse knows." He nodded taking the reigns.
They  went into lord Starks solar.
"My king, my queen, my lords, I know it might be crazy, wildlings attacked us in castle black, we fought back, when it was over the dead came back to life!" Before anyone could shout protest she stood.
"We believe you." She glared as Ned started to protest. "We will have reinforcements prepared as quickly as we can. Lord Stark have a room and meal prepared for him. We will talk more in the morning."
"Yes my queen." They bowed and left.
She clenched a goblet and threw it at the wall. Strong arms wrapped around her.
"I would tell you to calm down, but I know that doesn't work. So tell me what's wrong." He whispered into her neck.
"Someone is messing with the dead. It's unnatural for anyone. I have loopholes to go though, but my world was different. This world can not handle that level of magic, not yet." She sighed. "We must go beyond the wall, to defeat this enemy we can not let it come south."
"We have much to prepare then. We can not fight this war alone. It is time to call the lords of the realm."
She turned in his arms and rested her head against his. "I will get started on the invitations."


Daenerys glared at her brother. He was having another one of his dragon fits. As he was escorted out by her guards she gave a sigh of relief.
Placing a hand on her stomach she steeled her heart.
"Get me some paper and ink, I need to send a letter." Her maids rushed to do as ordered. "Leave me."
After writing a quick letter, she put in in a special box that had showed up on her bedside one day. A note inside from the new queen of Westeros.

Dearest Nephew and Niece
Viserys is out of control. I fear for mine and my unborn child's safety. I ask for words of wisdom to deal with his matter.
Congratulations on your wedding.
My love and best wishes to you both.
Long May the Dragon Reign.

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