Chapter 10 - A date with Sal

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Originally, you and Sal were going to head out to the park. However, the universe said, "Let it rain," so you both were suck inside. He offered to head to his apartment to hang out, as well as greet Gizmo since he missed you. He told you his dad was out so you guys could blast music as loud as you would like. 

Once reaching his apartment, he opened the door for you while promptly saying "M'lady," with a bow. 

"What a gentleman," you joked. If only you knew how much that actually meant to him. He opened his bedroom door and invited you inside. 

"Would you like me to get snacks?" he asked, watching you snuggle Gizmo on his bed. 

"Yes please," you responded, attention still on Gizmo. 'This cat will be the death of me, I swear.'

Sal's Pov

"Alright, don't fuck up Sal," he muttered to himself while getting snacks. 'Make a good impression' he reassured himself. 

Y/n's Pov

While waiting for Sal to get some snacks, you decided to look around. Your eyes caught the red guitar in the corner of the room. You looked around before making eye contact with Gizmo, "Shhhhhhhhhhh, don't snitch on me, k?" you whispered to Gizmo. He lazily crawled under the blanket and meowed once settled comfortably. 'Damn, Gizmo really said I ain't no snitch' You carefully traced the strings of the guitar, admiring its beauty. 

"Boo," Sal whispered in your ear. 

"SHIT-" you yelled, almost dropping the guitar. "Jesus Sal, you scared me," you said, turning around to face him. However, his face was closer than you imagined, noses basically touching. You both quickly separated a good distance, both flustered.

"S-sorry, I got the uh snacks," Sal said, awkwardly holding up the snacks. 

"Thanks! Also sorry for touching your guitar, it was really pretty." you said awkwardly while taking some of the snacks. 

"It's alright! you want to hear me play?" Sal asked nervously. 

"If you don't mind, I would love to," you said, now sitting on his bed, holding Gizmo who was wrapped as a burrito. 

He went over besides you and prepped his guitar. Once finished, you sat quietly as he played. His emotions seeming to be expressed through each note, he really was something. You looked up while he was playing, his eyes were closed, and his hands were moving in a slow pace. Everything he was doing made the song seem more sensual.  'Amazing' you though. Once he finished playing, he looked to you to see what you thought. Both of you made eye contact. You smiled and looked down at Gizmo. "You played beautifully Sal. I don't think I've ever heard a piece that sounded so passionate and... just simply...enchanting," you said while petting Gizmo softly. Sal grabbed your hand and brought it to his cheek, his mask now gone. Tears were now streaming down his face. His eyes were closed, yet a smile was present. 

"Thank you," was all he said. 

You cupped both of his cheeks, smiles never disappearing from both of your faces. A comforting hug with Gizmo in the middle followed after. 

'Thank you, y/n, that song was in memory of my mom' Sal thought with a small smile.

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