Chapter 2

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I walked along the busy halls with a coffee in one hand, and papers in the other. It was around 7 and for some reason there was a lot more people coming in. But I didn't pay much attention to it and just went on my way.

I thought that maybe since I haven't been paged yet I could go see Liz. Of course I was stopped once or twice for a question, but eventually I approached the door and softly knocked. I could see a little girl sound asleep with a music box I had gifted her playing quietly in the background on a ledge.

I smiled and restarted the music, following by tucking her in. I exited the room and headed towards an empty conference room. To maybe get some work done and be in silence.

But when I had entered and sat down, I was paged. "God damnit." I groan and quickly make it to the operation room. And when I opened the door, I was greeted with Sachi and Penguin. "Mind filling me in?" I say while deeply washing my hands. "37 year old male named Kyle Hike, found after a colapse and turns out he's been needing a SAVR." I hear Sachi explain while he helps me put on gloves. "He's been running away from a heart valve replacement?" I question. "That's what I've been thinking." Penguin states while shaking his head.

Then came the operation, which wasn't a big deal. If I weren't working with the dickhead himself. "Sir, your staring." I say while carefully working around to the heart. "Making sure your don't mess up." It took everything in me to ignore that comment and continue working on to save this man's life. "Aortic-Clamp." I say while he hands me the said instrument.

I I couldn't help but keep noticing his eyes on me while I was stitching the new valve in place. "Hey
[Y/n], what do you think about going out to hang with me and a few friends tomorrow?" I couldn't help but let out a small chuckle towards Penguin. "Are your really talking about that while in surgery?" I say while quickly making sure everything is alright. "Come on, all three of us are off tomorrow and I know all you do is hide yourself in your house doing nothing but work." Sachi adds while Trafalgar is handing me different instruments and Penguin checks his levels.

I let out a audible sigh, and give in. "Fine, just because I know it will only be you two...No offense." Then I quickly put everything back into place and restarted his heart. "Come on..." when it didn't start the first time I got worried. "Shit..." I say while looking at his levels. And on the seconded time his heart started.

Trafalgar looked up at me when I tried to hide the relief, but failed. We sewed him up, and he was taken away to a room where he can be monitored. Now it was just me and Trafalgar cleaning ourselves up. "So, mind telling me why you were in that room with me?" I say while taking off the mask. "Because I know damn well that you could do that by yourself." He didn't bat an eye towards me while taking his gloves off. "Because I'm supposed to see how you did in surgery." He paused for a seconded. "You did good."

My eyes widened in shock while my head snapped towards the man besides me. 'Did he just say I did good? Am I hearing things...?' As i tried to figure out if he is sick or anything, I hadn't noticed I was staring. "Now it's you that's staring." He smirked. 'He's smiling?!'

He glanced my way, looking at my shocked expression. "Dr.[L/n]-ya." I pulled my head back and stayed silent. 'Wow... All of the sudden, now he calls me Dr.' I couldn't help but smile and nod my head. "Thank you Dr.Trafalgar." I had exited before him and when I reached where I left my belongings, I sat down and questioned my existence.

I checked my watch and it was already almost 12. "Damn.." I mumble. I couldn't get work done so I decided saying hi and playing uno with Liz wouldn't be so bad.

I knocked on her door and I heard a faint "Hello?". I walked in, closing the door behind me. "Hey Liz.." she smiled and pulled out a deck of cards. "A bird told me you got some sleep today." I mention while I shuffle the cards. "Mhm! Mom and dad said they'd come and see me tomorrow!" I smile towards her statement, knowing full well that they might not even show up because of last time. But of course, I won't tell her that.

Ravished Hearts | Trafaglar Law x Reader |जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें