Chapter Thirteen Calming thoughts only

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                                  Grayson's POV
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I tried so hard to focus on the game but all I had was murder on my mind

I mean how can this piece of garbage be on my team

Everytime he skated near me I had the sudden urge to kill him right there

Red was all I saw until I saw her

She was my calming thought
Imagine what she's thinking right now

She stared at me with concerned eyes and I just wanted to kiss the concern right off her beautiful face

I refocused myself into the game
Or at least I tried too

I was just about to score a goal until finkle tripped me with his stick

I lost the opportunity to get the puck in the net

And just like that I had officially lost it he messed with my girl now he's fucking with my game

I didn't care that we were on the same team I body checked him so hard he fell into the boards

He got up in a flash and ripped off his helmet
The reff was screaming at us

I took mine off too
Fine mother fucker come get me

He swung but missed and I decked the fucker so hard in the face I heard a crunch

He fell backwards and his body hit the ice like the sack of shit that he is

"He broke my nose!" he yelled

"I'm about to do much more than that" I threatened

My coach skated on and grabbed us both by the collar

I knew I was in deep shit but I didn't care

"What the hell are you doing Wilder?!" My coach freaks

"He's on our team you can't just do that during a game!"

"You broke his nose!"

"You're lucky that's all I did" I say through gritted teeth

"The fucker was choking my girl"
"And holding her against her will"
"All to get with him again"

"That has to count for something"

My coach looked absolutely stressed

"Listen you're for sure suspended for a few games that I will tell you Wilder"

"But I'll look into a harsher punishment for Finkle okay?"

"Works for me" I say through gritted teeth

"Go get yourself cleaned up you've got blood all over yourself"

I nod and head into the locker room

Then I hear a gentle knock

"Come in" I say Gruffly

Eira comes in with a sad expression
She walks over slowly and takes a seat next to me

"Grayson-" she started but paused

"Why did you do that?"

"Because I couldn't let him get away with shit like that"

"Grayson you're suspended From playing!"

"It's only for a little bit"
"I'm gonna work towards getting finkle expelled he doesn't deserve to play"

Her sad expression stayed the same
And It made me let out a sigh she's to pretty to be sad

I kissed her forehead and small smile formed on her lips

She then smacked me in the shoulder
"Don't do that again Grayson" she scolds

"Yes ma'am" I answer with a smirk

She looks down and frowns when she sees my knuckles

She picks up my hand and gives it a gentle kiss

"Thank you Grayson" she whispers but I can tell she's slipping herself away again

She gets up and slowly walks to the door

"I'd do it again Eira"
"I'd do it One thousand times over"

All she does is nod

And then she was gone again
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Thanks for reading
We're getting close people I can feel it

A Christmas Favor Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon