Cabin Fever

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Lance's POV

Standing at my post in Prince Spirit's bedroom, I try to stifle my chuckle as the prince continues to pout on his bed. 

Ever since we returned to the castle, the prince has been confined to his bedroom, as he is going to be grounded for some time. He gave everypony quite a scare when he disappeared, including me. We were all extremely worried about him, and though we are glad to have him back, we agree it's best he stays under our care until he understands his wrongdoings. 

I do feel a bit bad for him, he obviously feels cooped up in the castle, but he needs to understand the importance of his safety. 

That doesn't make his pouting any less funny though. 

"My prince, there is no need to pout. I am sure if you apologize to your sisters they will forgive you quickly, and perhaps end your punishment early."

To my amusement, the little colt only pouts harder. 

"I'm not saying sorry, and I do not pout." The little one grumbles. 

A huff of laughter escapes me before I can stop it, and-oh dear, now he's pouting right at me. 

"It's not funny, Lance!" 

I shake my head, smiling a bit. "Of course not, my prince," I agree amicably.

The prince huffs, then returns his head to lay on his pillow mulishly. 

My gaze softens. 

"Do you truly not like it here at all, my prince?"

It is quiet for a moment, and then "of course I don't like it here." The prince mumbles sadly into his pillow. "You took me. You brought me here and didn't even ask if I wanted to stay. My 'sisters' are forcing me to be a prince, and no one else seems to care that I never agreed to it." The colt turns to glare, and I can't help but feel disappointed in myself. I've been with him since his first day here, and I never realized. "None of you care about how I feel at all."

"I promise that is not true, my prince." I rebuke gently, kneeling down next to the prince's bedside. "Everyone in the castle cares about you very much. I know it may seem like no one here cares how you feel, but all we want is what's best for you. When you lived in that cave in the forest, you were alone. Everypony here just wants to see you happy, surrounded by people who care about you. The princesses may not have asked you what you wanted to do, but they do what they do out of love. You are their precious little brother, and you are our precious prince. We will all do whatever we can to make sure you are safe and happy."

At the end of my speech, I watch the prince process everything. I can tell he heard my words, but it seems to have done little for his mood; he hasn't budged from his curled-up position around his pillow. 

Pondering for a quick moment, I get a flash of inspiration. 

"How about we practice flying together, my prince?"

The little colt perks up adorably at that, but then his shoulders drop. 

"I'm still grounded though," he murmurs dejectedly. 

I hum contemplatively. "Well," I say conspiratorially, "I think we could get away with a quick stretch of our wings before the princesses come back, yes? No one has to know."

The wide, excited smile I get makes the potential risk of the princesses finding out worth it.


Spirit's POV

First, I would like to start by emphasizing the fact that I WAS NOT pouting when Lance was watching me. 

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