Tomes & Scrolls

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The night grew late and Rose had downed about 4 large pints of beer. It seemed to be enough and she knew she had to get back. Who knew what would happen to her parents if she stayed away? She was also slightly suspicious about why they haven't gone after her... Getting up off her stool she attempted to say goodbye to her barkeep and the stranger that sat by her as she drank, but she knew all she wanted to do was laugh as her head spun. She wobbled towards the doors when she felt an arm wrap around her back to steady her.

"Silly girl, you know you can't apparate in this state correct?"

"I can walk, sir, need not worry *hic* about me." Rose slurred as she pushed the man named Snape off of her. "You'll get splinched if you try. Where are you heading to, maybe I know of it?"

"You don't seem to be the type to get out much," Rose said as she looked up to see his face. He was hooded most of the time they were at the bar so she never got a good look at him, but now she had. His black hair was covering his raven eyes as he looked down at her. Without thinking she brought her hand up and brushed his hair to the side to get a better look. Even in her drunken state, she could tell he was older than her by at least a decade, maybe more. My gods, he's so handsome. His eyes were accompanied by ebony lashes and black hair. His skin was so pale, almost gray, which she thought looked a lot like the skin of the death eaters back at the manor.

He grabbed her hand and took it from his face. " I may not get out much, but I've been to different neighborhoods." Another drunken thought escaped her mind through her mouth. "What happened to you?"

Snape seemed to pause and stare directly into her eyes but was interrupted by Dumbledore.

"Severus, we all know she's a pretty girl, please don't gloat that you are the one able to carry her home, you Half-Blood Prince!"

Rose laughed, "He's a prince all right, but I am fine! I can get myself back to that place." Snape raised an eyebrow like he was expecting her to react to him being a half-blood. Most of Rose's friends back home were half-blooded, so this didn't bother her. It was quite normal. She was the oddball of her group being one of the only pure blood.

They walked out of the bar, with Snape still holding onto her. She quite liked the way she fit under his arm as she was no small bird. Rose was taller and had a slightly bigger build, but Snape still loomed over her. "Oh, you forgot your jacket," Snape said as he leaned her against the lamppost and quickly glided back inside the Inn.

Not even a few moments on her own, she felt arms gently grab her around the waist. This Severus is so touchy. But then, she was pulled against a body that she knew wasn't right and then a black-gloved hand muffled her scream.

"Come on, princess, let's get you home..." Rose kicked him right in the balls and grabbed her wand, turning to face one of the death eaters she saw at the Malfoy table.

"Are you crazy? I was about to come back! I wasn't running away. I just needed a second to think. My god, who do you people think you are?"

"Is there a problem?" A calm, velvet voice came from behind her. She turned to see Severus Snape standing a few feet away, her jacket slung over his arm with Abeforthe behind him.

" better get back inside if you know what's good for you," the Death Eater growled.

Rose looked at him and quickly at her kidnapper and knew it would be best to play along.

"Listen, guys..." Rose started as she walked over to Snape to take her jacket from him, "You don't need to worry. I'll be fine." Rose felt Snape hold on a bit tighter to her jacket as to have her stay near him. Rose raised her eyes to his and shook her head to warn him not to be the hero right now. Please don't do this. He's dangerous. Please let go. As if he read her mind, Snape hesitantly released his grasp from her jacket and let her step back to the man that would take her back to the cold and dark place they called Malfoy Manor. "I had a great time, Mr. Buzzkill over here is just going to take me back to where I've been staying."

Close - A Forbidden Love Story - Severus Snape x OCWhere stories live. Discover now