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-Diana's POV-

I told Charlie almost everything...except for her being Beth winters. I still haven't talked to Jane but I'm maybe going to go home after school today. She will probably be at work though.

I have P.E first thing in the morning. I keep my head in my locker because I don't want to see anyone whispering about me or giving me looks. I'm hoping things can just go back to somewhat normal...which is not going to happen.

Yale. I need to do my application. I keep forgetting. I'll try do it this week. Christmas break is coming quickly, only a few weeks away so I have to do it before then. I don't even know what to say in it.

Maybe I should ask Natalie...I'm not sure what college she went to.

I take out my phone to text her.

What college did you go to?

Charles university? The one here. Why?

I'm not sure what to say in my college application for Yale and I really need to do it soon.

I can help. This weekend?

Yes please! Thank you!

The bell rings and usually I have Charlie to walk to class with but I'm walking by myself now, something I will have to get used to. Charlie has a completely different timetable, which is so annoying. How great is my life.

I walk to the gym and most of the class were in their own little groups talking while the P.E teacher, Miss Rudd stood by the wall on her phone.

I make eye contact with Sierra and she smiles at me.

"We all thought you got expelled." She jogs over and I fight the strong urge to roll my eyes.

"Yeah well I didn't." I say and she nods.

"Not yet anyway." She turns, running back over to her little group, she whispers something to them which making them all look at me. Giving me a nasty look.

"Alright! Get in a line!" I hear the teacher shout, everyone runs lining up side by side, it is too early for this. I walk quickly over standing beside someone.

"We've done lots of basketball practice last week, I'll split you all into two teams and we will play a few matches." The teacher raises her voice again, I put up my hand and she looks at me.

"Yes cooper?" She questions and I put down my hand.

"I wasn't here last week...do I have to play?"

"It's basketball, it's not that difficult." I hear one of sierras friends comment as they start laughing. And that comment wasn't necessary or funny.

"Just try, okay?" She tells me and I nod slightly scratching the side of my neck. She starts splitting the class into two groups, all of sierras friends end up on her team of course. I'm the last called and I'm on the opposite team, I recognise most of the people here but don't know their names since I've never asked and I keep to myself. The only friend I need and want is Charlie.

"You be a forward." A girl pats my back pointing to where I'm supposed to go. I make my way over as the rest of my team gets in position, how am I supposed to remember who's on my team and who's not.....I'll just avoid the ball, seems like the easiest thing to do.

nothing lasts forever{wlw, teacherxstudent}Where stories live. Discover now