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October 31st, fourteen twenty.

Viney, was spoiled rotten. She was warm, head on a nice pillow, being given a nice massage. "Morning Viney, are you alright?" Luz smiled down at her, gently brushing back her hair.


Luz grinned, "That was silly. You came to me drowsy, that you had a headache and this was the way I could assist you."

Viney nodded slowly, pushing herself up slightly before sitting up. "Yes..I remember..I'm feeling much better, thank you.."

Amity tiredly kneeled by them, falling into Luz's arms, snuggling closer. "Morning Princess." Luz pat her back. "What's wrong?"

"Mmr...rrr.." Amity gently squeezed Luz.

The knight gently pulled Amity into her lap, allowing her to grow more comfortable before gently stroking her back. She flinched, pushing Amity's face back, "Pr-Princess! That it not something you do!" Luz flushed.

Amity giggled, "What~ I didn't do anything~" Amity snuggled back into Luz's chest.

Viney leaned against Luz, bringing her blanket up and dozing off against the knight. Amity huffed, holding onto Luz tightly, "Don't worry. I'll be stuck here til you move, so I can take Viney to bed." Luz looked around, meeting Boscha's gaze. "Don't. You. Dare."

Boscha grinned as she stood, taking her blanket and leaning against Luz's only free arm, lying the blanket over Luz and Amity. "We'll leave at noon.." Boscha yawned, relaxing against the knight.

Luz sighed, kissing Amity's head, "Good thing I trained to sleep sitting up. Let's rest, we've got a long trip ahead of us."


Leaving after noon, they had help descaling the mountain by the king himself. Minutes after they left the grounds of the kingdom, Luz gasped, "What about the potions kingdom--"

"Luz, that's my kingdom." Boscha looked up from her book.

The human blinked, "Oh." Then she stood. "WE LEFT VINEY!"

The guard by her spit out his tea, "I knew we forgot something--"

Luz opened the carriage door, sliding out and closing it behind herself, whistling. "Paco, come!"

He turned, galloping over, the guard on him confused, "What's wrong Noceda?"

"We left Viney. I'm going back to get her." Luz waved him off. "Move that's my stallion."

Paco continued to walk in reverse, the guard being helped on the side of the carriage, Luz hopping on Paco's saddle. "We'll arrive near Hettie's kingdom tonight, so be there."

"Yeah yeah." Luz clicked her tounge. "Come on Paco!"

He whinnied, kicking back the dirt and galloping back towards the kingdom.

Scaling the mountain once more, Luz had to use her sword to reach the top, Paco climbing it with ease. Luz took the reins when they reached flat land, explaining to the guard at the gates that she was here not that long ago, and was let in.

Paco recalled the path to the farm, nickering when the barn came into view. "Marf!" Barcus hopped onto the fence. "Arf!"

"Ah, yes- I am looking for Viney, have you seen her?" Luz pat Paco's side.

Barcus held up his paw, turning and jumping off the fence, scampering inside. Several crashes ensued, the barn doors opening, a griffin jumping out. "WOAH! CALM DOWN GIRL!" Viney exclaimed.

The griffin chirped, bucking slightly before nuzzling up against Paco and chirping. "You have a griffin?" Luz gaped.

"Y-Yes! She imprinted on me- A-And I get to keep her!" Viney gently took the reins. "I still have to learn how to control her, but she knows what I say."

"Viney, you were sent to stay in the carriage this morning.." Luz sighed, tugging gently at the reins. "Let's go, the highnesses need me.."

Viney's griffin jerked forward, wings lightly flapping. "Bark! Bark- Grrrnnff!" Barcus ran over, a backpack on him.

"You want to come?" Viney smiled widely. "Yes! Join us! Come on, up here by me."

Barcus jumped up, nuzzling Viney's side and moving in front, lying down on the saddle. "Come on Paco, if we hurry, we can arrive when the group is unpacking." Luz pat his side.

He nickered, squealing to Viney's griffin before leading the way outside of the kingdom. When they reached the ledge, Viney's Griffin flew up, grabbing ahold of Paco and gliding down. She carefully set him down, circling him before landing.

They would have made it sooner, if Viney's griffin had stopped jumping in puddles, almost in a lake before Paco blew up at her and stomped at the griffin. Thus, her name was born. "Puddles~ My lovely Puddles~" Viney cooed, rubbing her side.

The griffin chirped, tail wagging. Paco stopped, ears perking, "Mmmrrrfff." He bucked slightly, jerking forward.

He picked up the pace, Puddles jumping after him, feathers fluffing up. Paco turned to the right, a coyote of sorts jumping out at him, Paco kicking it away. The coyote let out a cry, falling back into the bush and down the slight hill.

Paco snorted, Luz patting his side, "Good boy, Paco."


Luz was not allowed to the see the princess until she bathed and washed Paco. Which was upsetting, cause it took a long time. "No one speak to me, I need th–"

"Luz you forgot to tie Paco–"

Luz glared back, "Zip it or I shove my sword down where the sun doesn't shine.." Luz stomped forward, entering the tent, lighting up. "Buenas noches Princesa!"

Amity looked up from her book, smiling brightly, "Hey Luz! Welcome back."

The knight quickly went over, ignoring Boscha and hugging the princess. Amity giggled, closing her book and setting it down. "Mmmissed yoouu~" Luz cooed, nuzzling into the crook of Amity's neck.

"It is apparent, yes." Amity rubbed Luz's back. "How are you feeling?"

"Gooooddd~" Luz kissed Amity's cheek, humming happily.

"Luz, you are not yet courted to the princess, you are not allowed to frolic around with her." Boscha stomped over, moving Amity's hands down.

Luz grabbed Boscha's wrist, scowling, "Even as my best friend, I will not hesitate to harm you for touching my princess.." Luz stood, scooping Amity up from the two chairs. "We, will be elsewhere."

"But my book--"

"I will coddle my princess tonight."

"On second thought, we can leave the book." Amity held onto Luz. "It'll be much more comfortable without your hauberk, Luz."

Humming, the knight placed soft kisses on Amity's cheek, "Yes My Princess, I am off duty tonight and–"

"Luz Noceda. On duty til the sun rises." Boscha uttered. "And only if you've packed the following morning, will you rest."

Stilling, Luz stood the princess, biting back a curse before turning and exiting the tent. She paused at the entrance, looking to Boscha and bowing, "As you wish, My Queen."

       Tis, the adventure continues.

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