Chapter 1

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"Alright losers, good game but I have to get to class soon, same time next week?" I ask the group as we wrap up the game we are currently playing

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"Alright losers, good game but I have to get to class soon, same time next week?" I ask the group as we wrap up the game we are currently playing. I know the guys downstairs are playing the new NHL game but I find gaming with them frustrating since they suck ass and constantly get distracted.

"Yah," Hugo answers in his thick as fuck accent from where ever in Europe he comes from. I have been gaming with this group for about 2 years and we are all scattered around the world. I enjoy it, even if the language barrier can sometimes make it hard.

"Later bitch," Waylen calls out before I turn off my headset and set it on the stand on my desk. I take a moment to pack my backpack before class then head downstairs to grab a snack and a drink since I won't be able to eat in the computer lab during class.

Just as I turn the corner to head down the stairs I see Ryder, sour puss and all, lugging himself up the stairs looking like someone just kicked his puppy. This instantly peaks my interest since normally after a private skate he is amped up.

"Sup bitch," I grin as we meet on the middle of the stairs.

He ignores my lovely greeting and just gives me a tired eye roll. I swear sometimes I feel so under appreciated. Not even a hello after that sweet greeting I gave him? I would say it sometimes feels like Ryder doesn't love me but Ryder doesn't know how to love anyone so I won't hold it against him. We all got trauma, trust me I get that.

"Someone is a grumpy gus," I coos, grabbing his cheeks and squishing them.

Ryder, unamused by my shit, cocks an eyebrow at me while I squish his face. His tolerance of physical touch is low even with me, his best friend of many years, so I take slight advantage that he hasn't thrown me down the stairs yet or flinched at the contact.

"I have to share my ice with a fucking ice skater," he pouts like a spoiled little kid.

I am about to tease him for his pouty lip when I register what he just said. "No!" I yell dramatically, my eyes wide.

Josh will 1000% bump them for Ryder, so he is probably just being melodramatic. Josh does everything he can for Ryder, which he doesn't recognize as someone caring about him, sigh maybe one day. "You can't get Josh to bump them?"

"Nah it seems like she's close with Barb and that man is whipped for his wife. No way he bumps her."

Shit, that is actually a problem. Ryder won't give up his ice time that is for sure and given the sad look on his face this figure skater won't be giving up their time either. Which means they might have to...gasp, share. The horror.

"You two can't skate together, that is an injury waiting to happen!" I tell him pointing out the obvious as he nods along following my internal thought process because he just knows me that well.

"I know!" he yells, both of us feeding off the other's dramatic reaction. "Dude it sucks ass so hard, but I need the ice time so I have no choice but to share."

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