Chapter - 18 Athena

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While Adonis was unconscious, she saw a dream and in that dream, she saw a very beautiful lady looking exactly like Goddess Athena ( Goddess of war and wisdom ) Adonis slowly approached the beautiful lady and asked her, is she by any chance Goddess of war and wisdom?

The beautiful lady smiled at Adonis and asked her, " Why do you think so? "

Adonis : " Your appearance at the moment look the exact similar to the illustrations of the goddess of war and wisdom in one of the book which I read. "

Goddess : " I see, you are very kind my dear child. I was once like you and loved all the humans but it is not same now, you know? I ended up casting a curse and now people hate me. What do you think about it? "

Adonis : " Pardon me but I do not agree with your statement. I might not be a devotee but I am a believer and I believe in you. As long as there is even 1 human being who loves you, the hatred among them can be converted to love. I really love you and admire your courage. I can also understand how hard it might have been for you to abandon the humans. I can imagine the pain you were going through to lose your loved ones and I strongly believe in you and I do not think that you were wrong in casting the curse upon it. You did that to save the magical beings to be harmed more and taken advantage of. I have read about the history in the ancient book even I was enraged where I wanted to teach them a lesson. If I were in your shoes, I might have ended up way more worse than what you did? "

Goddess : " My lovely child, I know that and I do not want you to have rage and darkness overpowering you like it did to me back then. I want you to be a light in the darkness and guide the humanity on the right path and save the world including humans, beasts, magical beings, mythical beings and all the living species on this world including fairies and demons. "

Adonis was confused hearing the words of goddess and before she could ask what could it mean?

Goddess : " It's time for you my child to live this space and go back to your world. Few minutes here can be few hours on the land you come from. I cannot hold you here for long. There are lots of adventures waiting for you. I bless you with wisdom and courage you will require coming forth in the days. It's not the end my child, we will meet again soon. Till then take care of yourself and I will answer to all the questions you are having at the moment during that time.. "

Goddess waved her hands and sent the poor soul back to her body not giving the girl a chance to ask anything. Once she makes sure that she is alone in the space, she started talking as if she was speaking to someone.

The Goddess was now sitting on the floor with her hands up as if taking to the sky, " I wish everything will soon go back to the way how it was and people will live peacefully."

I am very sad seeing my people hurting but more than that, I am very sad to see the beasts hurt and mourn the loss for my people who have to sacrifice themselves for the sake of peace. I hope this little girl will be able to bring the peace back in this world.


Adonis opened her eyes weakly, looks around and found herself alone in a lavishly decorated room. She was currently sleeping on a bed big enough for 5 grownups to sleep on it. The room is painted in a Teal colour giving off a subtle vibe. 

It is decorated with the gold and silver ornaments. There is a couch near the wall with a tea table where, one can have a tea time. The couch looks to be made of wine red velvet with the wooden handles painted in gold. The tea table is round in shape and made of hard polished glass.

Towards my left I can see a big full size window reaching the ceiling and wide enough to be mistaken as a double door. Outside the window, one can see a garden planted with beautiful flower field of peony which represents Goddess Athena, and in flower language it has a various meanings like love, honor, happiness, wellbeing, healing, beauty, good luck and prosperity. I wonder what purpose did the peony flowers were planted in the garden? 

Apart from Peony, the garden was also planted with the fields of Blue, White and Purple Heliotrope. In flower language it means eternal love and devotion. Seeing how all this flowers are planted in one garden it means eternal love dedicated to the goddess of Athena hoping for the happiness.

If I really did met the goddess, I would like to show these beautiful flowers planted in the garden to honor her and remember. Maybe after seeing the sincerity, she might feel that she is not hated by the people in this world and she need not to worry about it. 

Like I said, I promise you Goddess, I will turn the belief of humanity towards you and make them realize the sacrifice and pain you have to go through for the sake of us humans and they should be grateful for it.

Just as she was admiring the garden with the beautiful flowers, crown prince Xavier came in and approached Adonis. Feeling the presence, Adonis turned around and seeing the crown prince Xavier, Adonis smiled at him and greeted, " Your highness, the crown prince of the empire, this humble lady greets you and wishes for the sun to eternally shine on you. " 

Greetings to the lady too. I am happy to see that you have waken up once again. It's late but I am really thankful to the lady who risked her life and save both me and my sister. I will be indebted to you forever for the same. 

Adonis looked surprised a bit and said, " You do not have to be indebted to me. I merely did what I think was right and acted on my instinct to protect the crown and the princess of the empire. Anyone would have done the same if they were in my place. "

Like you said, " Saving the crown and the princess of this kingdom from an assassination is a very big deed which needs to be rewarded in the least if not to be indebted by us. "

Adonis puts her index finger on her chin thinking briefly before speaking, " Your highness since you insist, I would like to be rewarded than to be indebted but I have a condition. I want you to grant me a wish in the future whenever I need rather than any material things. "

Thinking deeply on what Adonis requested, crown prince Xavier agreed to her request and presented her the button which has the symbol of the royal on it as a token and said, " Whenever you want to ask me of the favour, just present this button and the favour will be granted despite it being anything except for the treason. " 

Adonis smiled before saying, " Rest assured, your highness if I wanted to commit a treason, I wouldn't have saved you and the princess today. "

Now to answer your question before fainting for the friendship, I would be a foolish person to reject it. So I would accept your friendship proposal for both your highnesses. I would love to meet and see the princess soon as well.

Crown prince smiled purely on hearing it and said, since you accepted it how about you call me Xavier and skip the royal greetings now as we are friends.

If so, then you will have to call me by Adonis or by Dona as my nickname. If you do then I will accept your proposition.

Alright Dona sounds lovely. Now as promised, you will have to call me by my name Xavier or you can call me by any nickname you see fit. 

Thinking deeply, Adonis replied excitedly and asked, " How about I call you Zay instead?"

I liked it, so from now on I will call you Dona and you will call me Zay. With this, the friendship between them started afresh. 

Reincarnated in an Otome game named "Intertwined fates" as a villainess.Where stories live. Discover now