Chapter 18

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November 10 2021, Sacramento

"PEOPLE WATCHING IS OFFICIALLY OUT!" Alliah whooped from the coffee table where she was standing. She popped the champagne open, cheering as the foam dripped down her palm and her arm. "Ay, no manches!"

Sarah laughed, handing Alliah a napking, which she took gratefully, wiping down her arm. Harry took the bottle of champagne from Alliah and began serving the glasses.

Alliah had had a few shots before this, and it may have been a dangerous idea. But she took the glass of champagne from Harry anyways. She raised her champagne glass, clinking it against everyone else's.

Alliah took a swig from her glass, before stumbling as she got down from the wooden table. Harry caught her elbow, chuckling at Alliah's tipsy actions.

"I... I want to get railed tonight," Alliah whispered messily into Harry's ear, slurring her words slightly.

Harry laughed, bewildered. "Is that so?" Alliah nodded, grabbing her glass, but Harry caught her hand and took her glass. "I think you need some water so you don't end up incredibly hungover for the show tomorrow- or well, later today, I guess."

"You're such a bore," Alliah whined, pouting as Harry forced a bottle of water into her hands.

"Harry, I need to tell you something," Alliah said. They were now in the car, driving back to the hotel. "I need to say... what do I need to say?"

Harry chuckled, shaking his head in incredulity.

"You should not be driving," Alliah snapped. "You're a fucking awful driver!"

Harry scoffed. "Excuse me? I'm a good driver!"

"Taylor Swift begs to differ. 'Remember when you hit the breaks too soon'? 'Midnight, you come and pick me up, no headlights'? 'So it goes, he can't keep his wild eyes on the road'? 'All I know is that you drove us off the road'?" Alliah ranted, counting them with the fingers on her hand. "Taylor really said 'Bitch, you're a shitty-ass driver, and I'm going to make sure everyone knows'".

Harry laughed. "You're kidding me, right?"

"Fuck no!" Alliah exclaimed with a laugh. "You're very obviously a very very bad driver and I do not trust you to drive me home." Alliah finished her statement by crossing her arms and slumping in her seat.

Harry shook his head. "I can't believe that's what you needed to tell me. I thought by the tone of your voice, it'd be some really deep, serious subject, but no. It's my alleged lousy driving."

"Alleged? Nuh-uh, it's a hundred percent confirmed," Alliah argued. She waved her hands. "No- but, I actually forgot what I really wanted to tell you, I just made that up in the moment."

Harry raised his eyebrows, pulling into the hotel. "Okay, good to know."

Harry got out of the car and then helped Alliah out, handing the keys to the valet as he carried most of Alliah's weight, helping her get up to her hotel room.

Once Alliah had been thrown like a ragdoll onto her bed, Harry exhaled. "Okay, my job's done. You've got a trash can in case you throw up, water to keep yourself hydrated, and that should be it."

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