Chapter Twelve

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The sound of multiple, muffled voices caused Takara to stir awake. In her drowsy state, she felt confused as to why she could hear so many voices. Where the hell was she? She couldn't remember what happened before she fell asleep, all she felt now was a pounding ache through her skull causing her to groan.

The voices paused for a moment, noticing that the girl was slowly waking up, before they continued their discussion. Takara tried to focus on their words before opening her eyes, hoping she could get some information on the people in the room before she was fully awake.

"Her name is Takara. She saved my life in my game tonight, I think she has potential that the beach could use" A familiar voice spoke, she couldn't remember from where.

"Thank you for your opinion Daichi, but us executives will be the decider of that" Another voice spoke from across the room.

Daichi. She started to remember the events from earlier, they completed the game together. And then he hit her around the head. Classic Takara trusting the wrong people.

And now she was at a beach? Where the hell had he taken her? And now she was about to be judged by executives? She couldn't catch a break recently.

She heard some footsteps and a large door opening and closing, signalling someone had left the room. She guessed Daichi was the one that had left, leaving her with who knows how many other mystery people.

"You can stop pretending to be still asleep now, dear" The voice from before spoke again.


Trying to play it off as cool as possible, Takara slowly opened her eyes, slightly blinded by the bright overhead lights. Once her eyes adjusted, she quickly scanned the room. There were about 6 people in the room, they were all male apart from one woman with jet black hair and a long skirt on, she had an unsettling smile on her face.

Bringing her attention back to the rest of them in the room, there were two guys standing near the door with large guns to the left of her. Off to the back of the room, a tall guy stood with long black hair that was half put up into a bun. He had multiple piercings in his face and was staring directly back at Takara, looking at her like she was a piece of meat.

Taking her eyes off of him, directing her gaze to the center of the room, she was two men. One looked like another guard standing next to who Takara guessed was their leader. He wore swim shorts, sandals, and a colorful kimono he kept open, showing his bare chest. Not the most fitting attire for a leader Takara mused.

"You're probably quite confused as to where you are, not to worry I'll answer all of your questions in due time. But first I want some answers from you" The man in the kimono spoke to Takara.

Takara gulped, what would he possibly want to know from her?

"Daichi claims you saved his life in your game tonight, is this true?"

She felt hesitant to reply, not knowing whether or not it would be wise to speak or to keep quiet. She didn't feel like the man in front of her was a threat to her life, he seemed way too calm for this to be a hostage situation. This plus with the possibility to finally get some answers on what she had endured the last few days, she felt like it was in her best interest to speak and cooperate.

"Yes I did sir, but I wouldn't have been able to get out of the game alive without his help" Takara answered truthfully, she was no hero, she just did what she thought felt right.

"No need to call me sir, dear, Hatter will do just fine! I'm the leader here at the beach, a utopia for all those who reside here!" He continued;

"I can see that you've played three games already from the cards you had in your back pocket, a small collection but these are all cards we've been searching for at the beach!"

Heart of a survivor × Chishiya ShuntaroWhere stories live. Discover now