33.I Am The Champion of Balance

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Alona was laying on a vaguely soft surface, she felt the cushioning resting firmly against her skin. She was warm–hot—too hot. Her eyes wouldn't peel open, she felt too tired, her body didn't move despite her brain sending signals to do so. Her head pounded, hurting the backs of her eyeballs.

    Alona blew out air, a painful ache in her ribs reminding her that she was alive.

    She was alive...how? Wasn't she just–

    A snore coming from the room forced Alona into a panic, her body finally catching up with her mind. Shooting up from her lying position, forcing her eyes open to examine the room. She saw a pale man in skin-tight blacks, laying on the top bunk with his mouth hanging open. Echo.

    Alona rolled out of the bottom bunk she had somehow been put onto, three blankets falling to her feet. Alona's chest rose up and down profusely, her mind racing, trying to come to a believable conclusion. How was she here? She was supposed to be at the bottom of the ocean, away from them so that they would be safe.

    She took a step towards the door, hobbling slightly. Her legs were weak, she felt weak. Puny.

    "You are weak. Your love for others has caused you to lose."

    Alona shivered, her chest tightening with the sound of that voice. The sound of his lightsaber activating echoed in her ears.

    She reached her left hand out to press the button to open the door, but froze upon seeing nothing. There was no longer a hand there. Alona choked on her breath, placing her right hand over the bandaging on her left forearm. The red lightsaber–the smell of her burning flesh–the excruciating pain-

    The door slid open and Alona's eyes darted up to face the person standing a few feet from her. His red bandana now washed and back on his forehead. He stared back at her with wide eyes, his jaw loosened, allowing his mouth to hang open.

    "Hunter–" Alona stammered, looking back down at the loose top she now wore, becoming aware of her wrapped ribs. "Wh-what..."

    Hunter shook his head and pulled her into his chest slowly, placing his hand on the back of her head and holding it firmly to his chest. He wore his civvies, that green shirt he had back on Sorgan. His arms squeezed tighter as if he were afraid he would never be able to hold her again if he let go.

    Alona struggled to catch up, but she slowly raised her right arm and wrapped it around his midriff, her hand grasping onto his side. Even after she tried to leave, to sink to the bottom of the ocean, he still wanted her in his arms. He still wanted her around.

    Her body shook, whether that was from her weak muscles or the overwhelming amount of emotions her body threatened to spill, she did not know, but Hunter took notice of it and held her tighter.

    "Well, are you going to wake Echo up or not? We have to-oh, you're awake." Tech chimed, appearing in the doorway of the bedroom. He had his helmet off, as well as the rest of his armor. "Albeit, only temporarily if Hunter continues constricting you like that." He half-joked, though nobody would have known he was being comical if it weren't for the slight up-tone voice he ended his sentence on.

    Alona pulled away from Hunter, her eyebrows furrowed. She looks around, trying to figure out why she felt so...off. "Wh-how-where are we?" She asked, swaying on her feet. It felt so familiar, but she couldn't put her finger on it.

    Tech adjusted his goggles, stepping inside of the room and setting the many blankets back up into the bed. "We have returned to Ord Mantell...how are you feeling, Alona?" He asked, banging his fist on the wall beside Echo's bunk. The ex-arc trooper squirms, but doesn't wake up.

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