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♬ I feel a little nauseous and my hands are shaking
I guess that means you're close by ♬

Maya Martinez POV

Time started to go by like crazy and I was being almost harassed by my roommates, who are also my best friends because they want me to tell Carlos about my birthday. It's a difficult day, even more difficult now that I'm pregnant.

Carlos has to be in Turkey on the 10th, my birthday is on the 14th and he will have to be in the USA on the 20th, he needs the rest. And I don't want to go around showing my pregnant belly because it's growing, the 5 months of pregnancy are clearly visible.

I am an emotional wreck as the day approaches. It's the 13th and we just ended dinner. I was laying on the couch when I hear the doorbell. Mariana got up and went to open it, maybe it was for her.

"Missed me much?" I hear Carlos's voice and I see he had a bouquet in his hand.

"Carlos? What are you doing here? I thought you were going directly to the US" I say sitting on the couch surprised by his sudden appearance.

"Well, Camila and Mariana said you were feeling a bit down lately so I made a stop on the way to see you personally. You could've told me when we talked on the phone, I would've come sooner, I was almost boarding to the US but they called me before I got on the plane" He says sitting by my side. I give them both a death stare and they leave the room.

"I have nothing to tell you, I don't like this time of the month of October so I will be more grumpy, depressed, and lazy" I say resting my back on the couch and he was clearly interested.

"Well, I know it's not that time of the month because you are pregnant. Do you care to explain or would you prefer I be kept in the dark? I can just be by your side like I did in August" He says and I nod.

"Tomorrow is my birthday" I say and he gets up clearly shocked.

"What? I have nothing to give to you. Maya! You can't do this to me cariño" He says clearly in panic.

"I don't celebrate it" I say quietly and he quickly sits back down.

"We can do something lowkey, just us and the girls. You deserve it" He says trying to be supportive, I could hear it in his voice.

"My parents died in a car accident 4 years ago, on my birthday. We were coming back from celebrating. I- I haven't celebrated it since then, I survived and I saw them die in front of me. There is no reason to celebrate" I say and he gets quiet.

"I mean, I really do think they wouldn't like you to remember them for their death. But it's a traumatic experience seeing your parents die or thinking you could've prevented it. If you prefer, I can go with you to the graveyard and be with you. I can make no mention of your birthday and I will follow your wishes" He says looking me in the eyes.

This man is something else. He is understanding, he always seems to know what to say and he makes me feel supported. I don't feel lonely.

"I'm sorry for not going to the races, I just feel really big from nowhere" I say embarrassed he always has to come. He had to come to Madrid for the ultrasound, he was here 2 weeks ago when he had two weeks between races.

"You are gorgeous cariño. You are glowing, there is no reason to be ashamed of being pregnant, especially seeing how good if fits you" He says happily and I knew he was being honest, I don't he lies. If he does then he is a good liar.

"Can you stay here today? We can sing happy birthday at midnight. Tomorrow you can come with me to their grave if you want" I say and he smiles happily.

"Give me an hour, I will give you a gift even if you don't want it. I have to. I will make sure it's something you like" He says getting up quickly.

"If you stay that is the best gift you could give me. Stay, please. I don't want material things" I say and he reluctantly nods.

"I will just go the bathroom quickly" He says leaving the room and I take a relieved breath.

I'm relieved he is as understanding as he is. He is sweet and sometimes he is like a little child. I will never say it but I know I am falling for this man. But he is the father of the child I'm carrying, maybe it's just the hormones, or maybe I'm imagining things. But I think we could be something more, we have an undeniable physical attraction even though I'm pregnant he still looks at me the same way he did a few months ago.

Carlos comes back and I hear Mariana and Camila going to the kitchen but I am quickly distracted by the movie who came on again after the commercials. I laid down on Carlos' lap and saw his smile even though he tried to hide it. One hand was on my belly and the other was gently traveling through my hair and my cheek. He was gentle and he was not even watching the movie, I felt watched the whole time. I felt the baby moving once in a while, every time he kicked Carlos seemed as happy as when he first did it.

I need to be careful about my feelings, I need to keep them hidden and lowkey so he wouldn't notice, I don't this to be weird. We have a child to raise and 18 years ahead of us, at least.

"You are the most gorgeous woman I've ever seen. I can't believe you are getting better by the day. I wish I could feel him everyday" He says when the movie ends and I sit down.

"You can feel him whenever you want, it's your baby too" I say stretching before preparing to get up.

"Do you want to come to the US with me? I would love your company" He asks following me to the kitchen. Should I do that?

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