15 ~ Let's start from the beginning

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The update is especially for all the singles because our books are our Valentine *hehe* (committed people chill, books are love for everyone *wink*)

As promised your update is here. I am very uncertain about what I wrote but I hope you guys like it. I need loads of inline comments as a reward *puppy eyes*.

Happy reading!

Happy reading!

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Kabir's POV

"Still? It's not a game that I played yesterday and got over it today. Love might be an emotion, while feelings indicate the realization of being in love. I would say my feelings are stronger than emotions, so I love him with all I have. Whether 7 years or 17, my answer wouldn't change. Do you think I will go on giving the custody of my precious to anyone whom I find suitable?" she said and my knees gave up. I sat on the ground and kept my hands on my thighs as tears gathered in the corner of my eyes. My ears feel blessed to have heard those words from her. Nothing mattered anymore and my world was stuck amid those four letters trying to conclude her feelings towards me.

"Why don't you reunite with him then?" Meeta asked. I kept on looking at her without blinking, waiting eagerly for the answer I hadn't gotten from her in these months.

"We aren't meant to be. Not everything is as easy as it seems. It's not a movie that he comes to get me after years and we both have an emotional conversation where I regret taking an impulsive decision of leaving him and we reunite to get our happily ever after. I left him in my complete consciousness and returning to him means throwing stones at my own house, which would bring nothing but destruction," she said, making the wheels in my head turn. I wanted to drag her out and ask her numerous questions that were making breathing a difficult task for me, but not an inch of my body moved. The only thing I know is that we are meant to be. She is mine and I am hers.

"Believe in God. Believe in his love. Nothing would go wrong" Meeta said.

"People believe in others when they trust themselves. I don't. He did not trust me when he thought that he could get the property papers by playing with Lara and letting her sit on his lap. He thought that he should get that piece of land back, which was officially my right for the sake of my happiness, but he forgot that my happiness lay in his trust. He wasn't wrong to be precise. Even I might have hidden that plan to give him a surprise, but the situation was wrong. His plan had flaws that he couldn't recognize. I love him way too much to be angry at his silly mistakes," she said, and I looked at her, astounded. That means she knows? There was never a misunderstanding in the first place. Why did she leave then? Does she think I don't trust her?

"Okay, so what happened was, you went to his office. Saw Lara sitting on his lap, got heartbroken, ran home, packed your stuff, wrote a note, and flew to London?" she asked.

Meera laughed hard, listening to this. She looked up at Meeta from the desk and said,

"I was crazy behind him. People named my love to be obsession my dear and you think I would leave him for this petty thing? I did not leave him when he introduced Lara as his wife at a party when I was standing right in front of him, so why would I leave his life quietly?" she asked. This made sense to me as well. She knew that it was all for her sake. She knew that I just wanted to get her mother's last impression, which she dearly wanted, back to her from Lara. She fu*king knew everything. Then why the hell would she leave me? Why goddammit?

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