Chapter 9

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hi everyone sorry for the long wait for this chapter I kinda forgot about this book because of starting uni and all that stuff anyways hope you enjoy it. 


Lilly's POV

I finish eating my burrito with Jace watching over me. It was nice. Having Jace there made me feel so safe and protected, it was strange but I liked it. 

And this burrito is so yummy, I need to ask if I can get the recipe for it from whoever made it. I used to love to cook, but jonah stopped that a long time ago.

 I need to start to think about where I'm going to go, sure Jace has been nice so far but who knows how long that's going to last, jonah was nice to me at the start too.  I don't know where to go when I leave here, I haven't spoken to my family since before I was with jonah, I doubt they want anything to do with me now, I ignored their feelings about jonah, and when they told me the rumors about what he did. They wouldn't want me I got myself into this mess now I have to get myself out of it. Maybe I could go to a women's shelter or a homeless shelter and stay there whilst I get a job and get back on my feet. Then maybe I could see Jace again. When I've got my life back on track.

I didn't realize id finished eating and had been staring at the wall for 15 minutes by the time. By the look on Jace's face, I must have looked very stressed and worried. I guess I better start packing, so I stand up and gather the few possessions I have here and get to the door until Jace pulls me back into his arms breathing deeply like he was mad. no no no. I got him mad. I need to leave. He's going to punish me. I start crying uncontrollably, I thought he would keep me safe. I need to leave. 

But he just hugged me closer making me feel safer, he's not mad, he's going to keep me safe. I need to remind myself that Jace isn't jonah he's not going to hurt me. He's my big bad protector. 

Jace's POV

She finished eating a while ago but she hasn't looked away from the wall. She looks so scared, so lonely. 

Suddenly she got up and starts running around the room getting all the clothes she had on when she got here into a small plastic bag and walking towards the door. 

No. She's going to leave. why? I thought she was finally feeling safe with me, at least I think she was. 

Just as she is about to leave, I walk up behind her and hug her. Then she starts to shake and cry. no. what did I do? did I hug her too tight? I don't think so. does she think I'm mad at her? I start whispering sweet nothings in her ear trying to get her to calm down. finally, her breathing is calming and her eyes aren't watering anymore, I ask her

"What happened Princess?"

"i....i ne...e..ed to...o I...i can't..t sta..ay here w...with you...ou, you' already...y d...done so...o m...much for"

"Baby you can stay here as long as you want, I love having you here, if it was up to me you would never leave but it's not. If you really don't want to stay here with me at the club then we can find you an apartment where you'll be safe and a job if you want one and we can pay for everything just until you're back on your feet," I explain letting her take everything in.

"I hope you'll still let me visit you even if you don't want to continue you to leave with me. you make me calm, something I haven't felt in such a long time, if ever. I'll keep you safe, I promise." 

I hope she lets me stay in her life but if she doesn't I'll just have to compromise and just protect her in the shadows, hopefully, it's enough to bring me a little peace of mind. 

In my own mind, I almost don't hear the quiet voice of my princess speak up, "i...i don...n't ha...ave to...o yo...ou. you wan...t me to...o sta...y...y? i...i fe...el so...o safe...e wit...h yo...ou i don...n't wan...nt to...o you..u" I was suddenly filled with relief, she was staying here with me. my princess choose me. 


hi guys so long time no see right? i am going to try and keep going with this story this time and hopefully finish it in a couple of months. there isn't going to be an upload schedule but i will try to update once a week. as always please correct me in the comments with any grammar or spelling mistakes. 

please vote and comment :)

Heidi, xoxo

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2023 ⏰

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