-Chapter 15-

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I opened my mouth to speak but no words came out. Mafia? How is he a prince and part of the mafia? It didn't add up and my mind hummed in thought. "How is that even possible?" Was the only sentence I could manage to get out.

My mind was running a million miles a minute. All I could think was simply: "what the actual fuck?"

"Is this why you're a little shit all the time? Because you RUN A MAFIA?!" I basically spat in his face, my hands flying up to my head in disbelief. Leo rolled his eyes, "Oh please, tesoro. Why are you so shaken? Does mi regina finally have her guard down?" I scowled at his words, rubbing anxiously at the red rings that still surrounded my wrists from the rope.

If he was not only the most powerful prince (soon to be king) and a mafia boss, my ass so was screwed. He was way stronger than I thought. Strategies rang through my cloudy mind, trying to figure out how I would manage to still complete my task with this new information. Who am I kidding? He's a man. And I know how to control my men. I'll have him wrapped around my finger soon enough, and then it's easy from there. There's nothing that can stop me.

"You're right. I'm terrified." I said sarcastically, rolling my deep blue eyes. "You should be, mi bella. I have many dangerous skills you should fear." "Oh please," I replied, "I've been locked up my entire life. The boredom has helped me acquire a few skills of my own."

Leo leaned down, his mouth right next to my ear, his warm breath caressing it gently, "Let's test those skills, shall we?" Goosebumps erupted all over my body and his head snapped away and he was out the door before I could even reply.

Getting out of his bed, I hobbled over to the door, desperate to check on Angelo and Sofia. I hoped they were okay after everything that happened with my sperm donor. I hated that man with everything in me. I was tired of giving him the status as my "father". I limped pathetically down the long, empty hallways, trying to locate the infirmary. I knew Angelo would be in there recovering from his abdominal injury.

I finally saw the big double doors and swung them open. There he was, his pale blonde hair stuck to his forehead due to the sweat. His eyes were shut. The only sign that he was alive being the consistent beeps of the heart monitor. Sofia was sat anxiously at his side. "How is he?" I asked, breaking the silence. Her head snapped up, revealing a face creased in worry. "He'll be okay," she sniffed, "lost a lot of blood. Doctors say they don't know how long he'll be out for."

I went right up to her, wrapping a supportive arm around her sagged shoulders. "He's strong." I said reassuringly. "I know." She whispered back.


The day turned to night rather quickly. I had spent the whole day meandering around, trying to strengthen my weakened leg. I couldn't let anything slow me down, not with how angry I've been making Leo. I swear every little creak or crack I heard my body snapped into high alert. It was difficult playing a killing game.

I had just texted Sofia asking for any updates on Angelo. He's still out cold. Poor girl hasn't moved from his side all day. I thankfully haven't seen Leo since this morning. I don't think I can handle any more testosterone today. His ego was bigger than the wound on my thigh.

I tried to get updates on the little red headed hacker, but nobodies given me any answers. As for Ina, she's been missing all day as well. It kind of worried me that my little purple haired friend hasn't made an appearance. She always comes over at this time to gossip about her current celeb crush.

A knock echoed off my door and I eagerly went to open it, expecting to see a pair of lively teal eyes. Instead, another help-drone glided smoothly in with a fresh pile of towels. She laid them on my bed and left gracefully without a word, her short brown bob swaying with her hips. Desperate to find out where my robot companion went, I headed to Leo's office.

I barged in without any notice because I don't really give a fuck he hates me already. He sat at his desk nonchalantly, the sun setting in the giant window behind him. "Hello mi tesoro, how may I assist you?" "That purple haired helper that I was with earlier? Where is she?" Leo just laughed darkly.

"Oh, my trouble," he smirked, reaching under his desk, "we can't have anyone distracting you, right?" My body froze as he pulled a loose pale robot arm from under his desk, the wires sparking violently from the shoulder socket.

Authors Note <3
It's been two years since I started writing this and it's been a journey but I'm more than ready to finish it.
I hope you all enjoy!
Much love
Xoxo, Crystal

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