chapter 1 : Mirage

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You loved him and he loved you , everything was perfect ....

Till she came in the picture.
You tried to convince your heart that they were just co - workers and friends but how can you ignore the pain in your heart when you see how good they look together ??  
And it would've been better if he had told you that you are the one he loved, she is only a friend even if it was white lie.....

But when he kept quite on every new news of her being his fiance you understood that you lost him and now with broken heart you left him .

It was not important to tell him as he rarely came to you now and you thought he will be happy that you made his work easy.

But you broke the most when you saw his pics of kissing her getting viral.

As there was nothing to say you left without telling him , you were afraid .....

Afraid that you will loose yourself if you will meet him.

You just told Jin-ah that you are going on a long trip and then you disappeared.

It didn't took the little girl long to understand that you are not on a fun trip but on a trip for search of new life a life away from his brother .

She loved you very much, since she first meet you. She was able to see that your love for her brother was sincere,

she was very angry on her brother...

how can he cheat on you....

how can he let you go and not come to meet you.

Sung -jinwoo was very tired when he returned home , all he wanted was to see your cute little face all excited to jump over him and smother him with your little kisses ; and her little sisters reaction as always on this.

"Ewwww!!! Get some room you two!! "she said pouting with disgust but trying to hide her smrik.

He smiled on remembering the flashback.
But when he entered the apartment he was hit with a bad feeling.... the lights were dim and there was an unusual peace in the apartment.

He started searching for you as he knew Jin-ah was at school right now but there was no one inside .

His heart was pounding badly he was scared the strongest hunter was scared ...
scared to understand and accept the reality ....
scared to accept that you knew what he did ; he tried to calm his heart by telling himself that you are just gone out to shop you will come back soon.

He was getting mad with the silence in the apartment.

He was pulling his hair, his shirt was all wrinkled when he heard the gate open ; he run for the gate only to meet his sisters cold gaze......she understood what had happened but all she did was started shouting at him that how much you loved him that how much you suffered all the while when he was enjoying with Cha hae.

He was shocked by this outburst you saw that fake news??

You believed he will cheat on you?? With that Cha hae???

No He have to clear this misunderstanding before its too late.

He was kneeling on the floor trying desperately to call your number , tears in his eyes but the number was no longer available.

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