Chapter 1 - Accident

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While reading a book in the School Library my friend kira saw me while picking books and excitedly walk towards me

"Y/n have you already watched the As The Gods Will movie?" She ask while her eyes is sparkling

"Yes it's a good movie" I answered

"Y/n see i told you it's such a good movie" My friend kira said

"Yeah yeah it's really a good movie thank you for recommending it to me your the best kira" I smiled at her

"You're welcome by the way in the movie Amaya is so hot" She giggled

"Did you forget that he is a psycho?" I ask while raising my eyebrow at her

"Oh sorry I can't help it" She smile like an idiot

While we're chatting the bell suddenly ring guess it's time to go home

"Let's go home together" She said as she pick up her bag

"Let's just go home together tomorrow im planning to finish reading this book" I said while flipping the page

"Okay nerd see you tomorrow" She said and waive

After reading the book i put it back at the shelf and go home

While walking home i saw a kid playing with his ball then the ball ended up rolling on the middle of the road

I stopped walking wait don't tell me he would get the ball in the middle of the road!?

The boy walk towards to get it but i notice a car coming to him

I run towards the boy and pushed him after that i felt a pain all over my body i was now laying down on the ground covered in blood

Is this the end? Well at least i saved the kid from getting hit by the car

The people start panicking and crowded me asking me that if i can hear them

A few seconds later i slowly losing my pulse and everything went black


A/N: I think i would have to rewatch this movie because im forgetting some scenes

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