Chapter 2

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A/N thanks too all of you that have read my story please comment which girl you think is the prettiest :) photo attached of girls if it works

Zara's P.O.V

After the girls and I had finished our screaming fit all of the other bands come and congratulate us and after all of the congratulating the boys gave out the 2nd and 3rd place prizes and then the girls and I were taken away to a separate room so we could talk to the boys and Simon about the contract. "So girls how old are each of you?" Simon said "well I'm 18 as well as Zara and Nissah, Lori is the oldest and she's 20 and then there's Hadley how is our baby and she's 17" said Lilah in her usually motherly tone "okay that should do it, now just sign here and then the boys will each ask a question that you all have to answer" Simon said, so the girls and I sign the contract and the boys start firing their questions at us "what are you usually known as in the group" Liam said so we answered

So Hadley started "I'm the flirt"

Then Lilah "I'm the mother type one"

Continued by Nissah "the eater"

Straight after Lori yelled "I'm the perky immature one and the prankster"

Then I answered shyly "I'm the quiet and mysterious one" then it continued like that for the other boys questions then Niall decided that he wanted to ask another question "where are you all from" then Hadley answered "well I'm originally from Devonport in Tasmania and so is Lori, Lilah is from Townsville in Queensland and Zara is from The Gold Coast and as you can tell by the accent Nissah is from America, Miami Florida to be exact" she finish with a smile and all of the boys followed her actions.

(1Hour Later)

Nissah's P.O.V

We all swap number and we decided to go home and the only that was on my mind was Niall, his hair looked liked he put no effort into it but it still looked perfect and his eyes are the prettiest colour blue I have ever seen and his smile is absolutely amazing and the way he said my name made my heart flutter, everything about him is just amazing I know I just met him but I was already a Niall girl so meeting him today just topped it off. Tomorrow we are meeting up with the boys again so we can have our first photo shoot and recording season I'm really excited I know we are only doing a cover for our first song but its still exciting. It was getting late so I decided to get ready for bed.

Lilah's P.O.V

Today was the day we did our first photo shoot and recording session and of I'm the first one awake because of my nerves but that means I can get to the bathroom before the other girl so I guess that's a plus. So I ate my breakfast then when I finished Lori and Nissah came into the kitchen "morning girls" I said cheerfully then they replied not so cheerfully "morning". I decided that I should get ready before Zara wakes up, I decide to wear a white tanks top with black shorts,I put my hair in a messy bun and i put no make-up because we would only have to take it off when we go to the photo shoot. I walked out of the bathroom seeing Zara standing there "I need to get ready so can you please move babe?" She said with a smile "of course and remember Zara they said no make-up today because we are going straight to the photo shoot" I said "fine but if I look horrible it's on you"she replied so I replied straight away "you won't now hurry up so the other girls can use the bathroom" she replied cheekily "yes mum".

I walked into the lounge room and I see all the girls dressed they are just waiting for Zara to finish in the bathroom then we are off to the photo shoot OMG I AM SOO EXCITED!!

(20 minutes later)

Hadley's P.O.V

We have finally arrived at the studio for the photo shoot the boys are on their way so we need to start getting ready so Lou the boys stylist started to do our hair and make-up. (A/N photos are on twitter @Jordii_Marie please look at them) We all were looking amazing we all had our favourite type of clothes on with our favourite colours so we looked pretty nice, the boys arrived about 10 minutes again and they all had the same type of clothes as us this doesn't seem right they like they are going for a photo shoot as well but they can't unless... But they can't have a photo shoot with us we are nobody's compared to One Direction like come on! Oh no they are coming over oh god no we are having photo shoot with One Direction this will be fun

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