CHAPTER 2 - Newly Married

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After a month and half of their meeting, Karthik and Sindhu got married. In the 45 days of their courtship, never once did they talk to each other. Once the marriage ceremony was over, Sindhu left to her in-laws house with her husband where both of them will be spending the next three days and nights.

Sitting on the floor, alone in one of the rooms, Sindhu thought about the previous night, when she got married. Her friends were very happy seeing her tying the knot. Her best friend Hemanth couldn't be there since he is away, doing M.S in US. However, she was happy to see her aunt after a long time though she looked very uncomfortable. She could see the tension between her dad and her aunt. For years, she tried to change that but nothing worked out.

After few hours of torture from boring relatives who came to see Sindhu and talked all the nonsense about world, she was finally free. But her happiness didn't last long when her mother in law Seetha came to tell her to get ready for her wedding night.

After showering, Seetha helped her in getting ready.

"Don't be tensed. It will be alright" Seetha advised her.

Easy for you to say, Sindhu thought bitterly.

After Sindhu had a light dinner, Seetha took her to another room and stopped outside before saying "Good Luck"

Sindhu knew she needed all the luck for a life with Karthik Narayan and she understood exactly why her mom in law said that.

As she was walking through the door into the room, she felt like being in a Mission Impossible film.

Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to change your husband back to his old self and make him fall in love with you.

Piece of cake, she thought sarcastically.

Locking the door, she walked towards her husband who is lying down on bed with his eyes open.

"Hey" Sindhu greeted, not knowing what else to say.

Karthik turned his eyes to her and glared at her.

How romantic!!!!

Sighing, she walked towards the bed stand and sipped water from the glass on it. She felt very tired with all the wedding preparations and ceremonies in the last few weeks and wanted to have a good nap today.

She sat on the edge of the bed and was about to lie down when she heard Karthik "What are you doing?"

"What humans do at nights. You know they sleep; that's what I am doing now" she said coolly,in a sarcastic voice, trying to keep her irritation off her voice.

"I know that" He hissed at her, equally irritated "But why are you sleeping on my bed?"

"Your bed? Is there a name on it?" she asked sweetly when all she wanted to do was smack his head as hard as possible.

"No, but it's mine and I don't want you sleeping on it" he replied, his eyes narrowed into slits.

"Well, there is only one bed and I am not sleeping on the floor" she explained, emphasizing each and every word.

"Why not?"

"Because I get back pain if I sleep on the floor" she replied, rolling her eyes.

"Doesn't matter to me. Now, get down" he ordered.

Their first fight after marriage. Great.

"I won't. If you have a problem with me sleeping on the same bed as you, then please feel free to get out" she replied sweetly.

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