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Berkley felt weak the moment the full-time whistle blowed, feeling entirely out of breath as she watched the stadium erupt in either cheers or tears while the Chelsea boys all ran onto the field. When it happened, she stood still, stunned at what she just witnessed before turning to Sophia and Julia with a shocked look on her face.

They won. They actually won.

Sophia's eyes were brimming with tears of joy as she cupped both sides of her face as if she were making sure she was still real, and Julia, on the other hand, just grinned as she pulled the two girls into her arms before engulfing them in a three way hug.

Berkley took a while to process before a smile showed on her face and when she did, she was much too preoccupied with hugging Kai and Timo's girlfriends to notice Mason's look up at her in the stands.

It didn't feel real. It was a dream and had been a dream all his life until this moment.

He stared at her, gripping the sides of his shirt as he watched her press her forehead up against Sophia's crying face. He couldn't read her lips but he knew she was whispering to her, and he couldn't help but smile as he stared at the shirt she still wore on her. Around her shoulders were one of Julia's Chelsea blankets, blocking the Mount 19 on the back as the press took this time to now pan through Chelsea's family section.

The boy sighed, looking around the field to see all the fans cheering around the stadium. He looked at all the tears of joy and the tears that weren't so joyful, and he looked at his team as they all took turns hugging one another and laying on each other on the pitch that they created history on.

He took a moment to take everything in, sitting down near the edge of the box still feeling like he was the same little kid who had walked into Stamford bridge at the age four and fell in love.

He did it. He actually did it.

Little Mason would be the second happiest boy in the world right now if he were here. Almost first, but not quite. That spot was reserved for actual Mason Mount in all his glory, because there was one thing little Mason didn't have and that was her.

Mason couldn't believe himself as he scoffed lightly and shook his head at his own thoughts.

Here he was sitting in the middle of a football pitch having won the biggest fucking competition in European Club Football, and all he wanted to do in that moment was see Berkley Beckham down here with him, in his shirt laying in his arms.

Little Mason never stood a chance being the happiest boy alive as long as she existed.




YES            NO

"Mason!" Berkley beamed as she answered his call, barely looking down to see him on the field facing the crowed as he frantically searched for her face. She laughed at the screen, seeing him furrow his eyebrows before looking down back down at his phone camera.

"Where are you?" He asked, his smile faltering for a moment as he watched her shuffle around on the screen.

"I lost Sophia and Julia," Berkley laughed a bit nervously, "we were coming down to see you guys but I'm... I'm a bit stuck. There are a lot of people here."

Mason turned around, looking over at where Kai engulfed Sophia in a hug while Julia ran into Timo's arms in the near distance. He looked down at Berkley's screen to see her obviously squished between two men attempting to politely get through. He panned the camera to them and frowned at her absence, "Sophia and Julia are down here."

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