35. The ball

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I did what mom told me

Spent time with Angelo and with whole family the whole three days and truth to be told theses days were so much relaxing

"Are you still not telling me why you are going to India?" Angelo asked looking me in my eyes

"I want to conform something before I tell you, and you won't be liking it anyway" I sigh

"If I am not going to like it, it involves you getting hurt" he said in a sad voice

"I am trying my best not to be hurt by others love, all you need to do is have a little faith in me" I say as I embrace in in a tight hug

"You don't need to worry Angelo, i will be going with her and making sure she is safe and sound" Xander said coming into the garden where we were at

''Since when are you coming with me and I did not know about it?" I ask him

"Since right now, and I don't want anything to happen to you, you mean a lot to m.. Angelo, i cant see him sad because you hurt yourself" he said in a tone which showed that he made his decision and was not backing out no matter what

"Yes, take brother with you, he will be there to protect you and you will return safely" Angelo said beaming with happiness

"I am not..." I was cut of by Angelo's pleading eyes

How could i ever resist that face of his

"Ok fine, he can tag along" I sigh

"You ready for tonight's ball?" Xander asked

"Yes, but i wont be entering with you guys" i say

"Why is that? My precious daughter just came back and i want to enter the ball with my two precious children by my side" dad said coming into the garden with all the others

"Yeah, the boss of French mafia entering with the boss of Italian mafia, sounds like a gossip of the year and plots of enemies" i say

"But.." we were cut off by my phone ringing

'We need you here, for black knight to make her appearance at the ball and then the don of French mafia to be there, we need to start preparations now' said Alex hurriedly through the phone

I look at the clock to see it was already five and the ball starts at eight

"I will be there" i say as i hung up the phone

"I need to leave to the headquarters, something came up" i say and was about to leave when Angelo hugged me from behind

"I hug back and ask "what is it my love?"

"Stay safe" he said and kissed my cheek

"I will, you take care of yourself and listen to them" i say pointing towards mom and dad

"Hmm, i will" he said and i kiss his forehead and leave after saying bye to everyone


"All set, as soon as i am out f the car i except all the cctv footage to be shut down" i say as i fix my mask sitting in the back seat of my car

"Yes boss" he says

"Good" i say as i step out of the car and walk towards the entrance of the ball

"But what about it? Are you al set?"; i ask into the earpiece

"No boss" he replies and i growl into the earpiece

"Which part of, everything should be perfect did you not understand"

'Sorry boss, it will just take a minute' i hear him say as he clicks on his laptop fast

'You have time till i reach the main entrance if not you know what is awaiting for you' i snap and start walking towards the entrance of the hall as slow as i can

After a few seconds i heard him say done and sigh of relief

'About time' i mumble and start walking fast

As soon as i am at the door i burst the door open and all the eyes were on me i look down on my outfit to see it was still covered in blood

'Excuse the mess" i say as i point towards my dress

"I had to deal with some basters before coming here, and the couldn't wait to mess up my dress in their blood" i say with a smirk as everyone's eyes widened

"B.. black k... knight" someone mumbles from the back of the crowd as the whole ballroom erupts into chaos

Murmurings and whispering and shuttering in fear

"Oh how much i love the fear" i think and by guessing the way everyone went quiet i said it out loud

"Ok, guess i have everyone's attention, i have a few announcements to make" i say as i take my phone out and start to link it to the projector that was present in the ball

'This right here is the list of people who are my target for the time, so if you want to live well, better know how you offended me and amend those faults, or i wont be sure you will be attending the next ball" i say as i project the names if 29 people on screen

"Also, i will be holding a meeting with a few mafia's who will receive their invites in three days, those who get invited, better come politely, or else you won't be liking it if i had to use force" i say as i shut my phone and disappear into the darkness

As soon as i am out of the gates of the buildings i see the whole building light up

"Very good to manage the listings at the last minute, but make sure there are no last minutes, next time" i say as i quickly tell them to drive to headquarters as i need to change and attend the ball as French mafia queen

Although i sent a substitute there, i hope she manages well until i get there

As soon as i am dressed again i quickly change places with the substitute and carry on like nothing ever happened

After a long period of time the ball finally ended with last finishing speech of the organizer





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