05 | MOVIE

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Reyhaan's POV

Aadhya Advani is bane to my existence. I knew it the moment I met her in the hallway

She knew just exactly how to get on my nerves, whether it was when she dared to threaten me, when she discreetly mocked me, or when she hurled coffee at me, ruining not just my shirt but also my demeanor. The worst part is I've known her for only a day and she has managed to make me so out of control.

I kept sneaking looks at her and catching her laughing at some ridiculous joke by Sid or how her glossy, plump lips were always smiling. Her cheeks turned the most gorgeous hues of crimson when I would find her looking at me, illuminating her face even more.

And this made it difficult to ignore her.

"So you guys play for St.T's football team?" A familiar voice chirps in

"Yeah we joined the team in our first year and it is already our last year" Dhruv says while walking out of the elevator.

"Yup now that you and Anaya are a part of this little group of ours, you guys have to come wearing my jersey to cheer for us" Sid says nonchalantly making me roll my eyes at his jersey comment.

Aditi hits the back of his head and says "give it up already" while the girls shake their heads and laugh.

Fuck just the sound of her laugh makes me go wild.

"Anyway, how are you girls going back?" Aditi asks

"We're just calling an uber" Anaya says with a shrug looking at Aadhya who agrees with her nodding her head.

"Are you sure we can drop you? Right rey?" Dhruv adds like the nice and respectful boy he is. Don't get me wrong, I would do the same. I'm not that bad as it seems like. The difference is that Dhruv can openly make such gestures while I can't.

I fold my arms and reply "yeah of course"

"No no it's okay don't trouble yourself. Our apartment anyway is close by so it's fine, thank you for the offer though" Aadhya politely declines us with a small smile looking at Dhruv and me.

"Yeah and the uber is here anyway" Anaya says, scrolling through her phone while Aadhya hugs goodbye to Aditi.

"Wait a minute, you guys don't live in the campus" Sid asks them, pulling Aadhya for a hug. The friendly ass he is, has for sure won her heart.

"Yeah, you guys should come over," she says happily, hugging him back. Sid nods his head furiously, taking her offer way too seriously.

"You've made a really big mistake inviting him to your home" Aditi says, pulling his leg while he acts offended and hurt.

"He is going to practically live there from now on. You will get tired of cleaning and refilling your snack shelf." Dhruv further teases him. 

They bicker for sometime when I finally interrupt "it's getting late and the Uber won't wait any longer" All I get in response is 5 shocked faces. I roll my eyes at them while they walk past me to get in the cab.

Aadhya suddenly turns around and reluctantly says "Drive safe. Goodbye and good night reyhaan" She smiles softly and sits in the car. I subconsciously clench my fist harder at the thought of my name rolling out of her mouth.


"Okay boys huddle up" Coach shouts, blowing the whistle so hard. We all ran towards him.

"A competition against The Lawrence is coming up.The dates are still undecided but somewhere in the next month or two after your exams possibly." He pauses for a moment taking a deep breath and continues "I will draw up a strategy plan by monday but I want all of you on the ground at 6 am sharp tomorrow in the morning" I hear everyone groan but shut up hearing his grunts.

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