in the company of killers pt 2

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You curse under your breath at the sight of your fiancée making his way into the room.

Levi alone is enough to make things difficult for you, but if he was here, then your father wasn't far behind, and you glance nervously to the door behind him. The last thing you want to deal with right now is your father berating you for your carelessness and underestimating your enemies when you were doing that just fine on your own.

Yet Levi appears to be alone, flanked only by his two usual guards and closest companions, Furlan Church and Isabel Magnolia. They wear the same tailored suits and coats as you and your cadre to conceal the weapons underneath — weapons, you suspect, that hardly ever leave their holsters. Levi and his team are known to be just as lethal without them.

A reputation very much on par with your own.

You watch closely as Furlan and Isabel stay behind and wait for Levi dutifully by the door as he cuts across the room towards you, no spoken communication needed between them. And as Levi draws nearer, you notice the dangerously unchecked hint of rage behind Levi's usually detached gaze that makes most of your circle visibly flinch and step back behind you.

But your own gaze remains just as deadly, and you turn on them before Levi has the chance to reach you.

"Who told him?" you demand angrily.

They stare back at you, nonplussed, clearly not appreciating him being here, either. But then your eyes flicker over to Mikasa, whose stoic posture remains unperturbed.

"He would have found out sooner or later," she replies unapologetically.

You clench your jaw, not at all surprised to find her responsible. "Yes," you hiss back at her with great restraint, "when I had taken care of it!"

You then hear Levi's deep, confident voice cut sharply behind you, and you tense.


Your hands curl into fists at your side as you steel yourself for what follows. When you turn to face him, his stormy grey eyes stare back at you with furrowed brows. His intense gaze is enough to make anyone cower away.

Anyone, that is, except you.

He quickly scans your face for any signs that you've been hurt.

"I'm fine," you tell him dismissively, ready to turn away, but then his rough and callus hand reaches for your face as something catches his eye. He brushes the front locks of your hair away to reveal the cuts on your brow and cheek that the shards of glass had scraped against your face.

You watch the concern vanish from his eyes and grow murderous as his attention shifts behind him. "Is that him?" he asks.

You follow his line of sight to Eren, who is looking between you and Levi with noticeably confused interest. He turns away when he notices you watching him, but he's not fast enough. He's realized the kind of bond you share with Levi based off your briefly intimate interaction with him and he can't hide the humiliation coloring his cheeks. He must have really believed he had some sort of chance with you back then that you almost feel bad for him. Death should be his number one concern, but the recollection of his cheeky behavior at the pub must be just as horrifying.

You tense as Levi leaves your side to approach Eren's dejected figure. "Levi," you say in warning, realizing he probably thinks Eren is to blame for all of this if Mikasa informed him of only what she knows.

But Levi doesn't listen, his temper long past its wits end. He goes straight for Eren, kicking at him until he has the guy hunched over against his bindings and spiting out blood.

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