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After Qin Huai came out, he greeted this new friend who had chatted with him for a few words and took Mu Nan away. Mu Nan went downstairs and spread the piece of chocolate to Qin Huai: "Just now Liang Yufei gave me the chocolate in the fortress. , I said no, and he also said that next time we would go to his house to play and make meat buns, but I refused, but he was too enthusiastic." Qin Huai took the chocolate from

Mu Nan's hand: " Don't lower your vigilance just because of their enthusiasm, don't rashly follow people, especially don't be alone with strangers casually." Although he didn't say it, it's impossible for Mu Nan to be on guard against strangers casually. , Of course, I won't be greedy for that bite, don't look at how many meat buns I made when I was at home due to the epidemic. As for meat buns, Mu Nan didn't like to eat them very much since she was a child. As time went on, they always said they would choke when they ate only meat buns. This habit has not changed until now, so there are quite a lot of meat buns in the space, but they haven't eaten them a few times so far.

He doesn't deny that there are people who are really warm and generous, but in this world, it's always right to be cautious.

Mu Nan nodded humbly: "I don't know how, and I'm not greedy." There's no space for what you want to eat, and it's not possible to go with someone for a meat bun.

When the two were walking out, Qin Bing just came back from inspection. Mu Nan was just about to say hello, but Qin Huai held his head and led him to go out. Qin Bing just glanced at them, but didn't come over, as if he didn't know each other. Pass them by.

Although Mu Nan was a little puzzled, he didn't ask any further questions. He wrapped his mask tightly, put on the goggles, tightened his collar, and followed Qin Huai to the house through the wind and snow. Just when I was getting a certificate in this building, the wind and snow outside were much heavier. Mu Nan wore a hat and a raincoat that could have covered her whole body, but she was still blown by the wind and snow. His body was aching, even if his body was covered with warm babies, it seemed that he couldn't stop the biting cold.

Seeing that the weather was too overwhelming, Qin Huai directly dragged Mu Nan to run home in one breath. Fortunately, Mu Nan ran every day, and now he could last half an hour on the treadmill. It would be no problem to spend ten minutes running back. If I walk back slowly against the wind and snow, I'm afraid it will be freezing cold.

But even if they ran all the way back, Mu Nan was still very cold. Qin Huai quickly asked him to take off his clothes. When they went out, they put a set of clothes under the quilt to keep warm. If you change the outside, it will always get warmer.

Mu Nan's cold teeth chattered while taking off his clothes, Qin Huai put the charged hand warmer on him: "Hurry up and warm up, don't freeze again."

Mu Nan burrowed into the quilt, spreading himself Spread out on the hottest spot on the kang: "We wear so many, so thick, and baby warmers, it's all frozen like this, how can other people carry it?" Qin Huai twisted a hot towel

for him to wipe his hands and face : "Rely on the potential of human beings, wrap the quilt and sit up and drink some hot water."

Mu Nan took the hot water and warmed it in his hands: "Change your clothes quickly, you are all wet." Although the wet is outside I wear a raincoat, but it's always a bit uncomfortable when it's wet.

After Mu Nan was settled down, Qin Huai took off his clothes in a leisurely manner, found the chocolate that Liang Yu gave Mu Nan in his pocket, and put it in the cabinet by the entrance. He probably heard some movement from them, and after a while Jian Chu knocked on the door in the garage, and Qin Huai, who had just changed his clothes, threw some firewood in the stove and opened the door.

Mu Nan lifted a corner of the quilt: "Come up quickly, is it cold?"

Jian Chu nodded again and again: "It's so cold, it's too cold to come here for a while."

Mu Nan: "We just ran back , it's too cold, if you walk back slowly, you can't bear it."

Jian Chu couldn't help but said: "The wind is stronger when you run back, so it's easy to lose your temperature."

Mu Nan smiled: "It's only five minutes, I ran down in one breath, my body was cold and my heart was hot, and of course it won't work from a long distance, you are here to see your ID card."

Jian Chu nodded, and Mu Nan showed him the new ID card. The ID card was different from the previous one. Except for the ID number, there was also the place of birth, and the place of residence. They are all living without a fixed place, where to go to fix the place of residence, Mu Nan said: "The person who applied for the certificate said that the Internet can be connected within a month at the fastest, and indefinitely at the slowest, but it is said that the power connection is limited, that is, one household. How many kilowatt-hours of electricity people can use, and it will be gone when it is used up, so the electricity cannot supply floor heating, but lighting, mobile phone charging, etc. are all fine." Jian Chu said: "Then how should

this be limited? Your family is one household. My family has two households, and it is divided by the number of households. Your household is definitely not enough for the third floor, but it is not divided by the number of households. There are three households in one house, and it is not enough." Mu Nan shook his head: "Then

not Got it, I didn't ask so detailed, the above should have thought about it, we'll see how it goes in time."

Qin Huai said: "It's divided according to the number of households, when the time comes, the wires will be re-routed, open an account with an ID card, one household with one electric meter, Precharge money to use electricity, if you want heating, just charge money, if you don't have money, just save electricity."

Mu Nan said to Jianchu: "You can inquire about solar energy, we can recharge electricity in winter, and use it in summer You don't need to spend this money, the sun is so fierce, the solar power is enough to consume it."

Jian Chu wanted to inquire, but the problem is that everyone who has some conditions wants to buy this kind of scarce material, and their family's wealth is not richer than others Where to go, even if you buy it with Xu Ming, it may not be enough: "I can only read it slowly. Anyway, I told Qin Bing to help him pay attention. I don't know when this redemption point will be opened again. "

Mu Nan said: "In addition to this card, there is also a bracelet, just the kind of future technology bracelet, a soft strap, thin, only six or seven centimeters wide, one part is black, I guess It's the place where chips are installed, 50 points each, but no one seems to buy it."

Hearing 50 points each, Jian Chu rolled his eyes directly: "I'm poor and can't afford luxury goods."

Mu Nan smiled, although he and Qin Huai are already considered very rich, but fifty points are also reluctant, if life can really be smooth like this, this thing will definitely become popular in the future, and you can buy it again at that time. Mu Nan said, "I remember Wu Zheng majored in machine tool machinery, right?


In such a big city, it is impossible to live on ruins and subsidies from the central government all the time. We have to pick up the civilization of the past, not to mention that our country can go from having no electricity to building infrastructure in space. In a few decades, it will only be faster once again. Crazy infrastructure construction is not a hypocrisy, but there must be a start, so the upsurge of re-employment of laid-off workers is about to start." Jian Chu was suddenly moved, and his heart was moved

. Then he became confused again: "Does it depend on the major? What can someone who studies finance do? He is bald. If he had known today, he would have been able to study agriculture instead of carpentry."

Mu Nan shrugged, and he didn't know. What can finance do? Anyway, what he can do is to serialize paintings. I hope that people will urgently need spiritual entertainment, so that he can make some small money. If he can't make this small money, he can only sell it at a stall It's good, but the only good thing now is that if he serializes on the Internet, there should be no pirate comics, after all, there is no such condition for pirates.

As for his brother, there is no need to worry, a top talent, don't worry about running out of food.

Jane came here just to see what the new ID cards look like, although they will go to get the next batch, but people, I am a bit curious, staying at home is staying at home, so why not come over and have a chat. The two chatted for a while, Jian Chu felt warm again, and it was almost time for dinner, so naturally he wouldn't stay, he wasn't so ignorant.

The ID card is also taken, and the rest is to see when the vaccine will be available, but at this temperature, the transportation of the vaccine may be very difficult, and I feel that I should wait. What made Mu Nan most happy was that besides the abundant fruits on the third floor, the female rabbit in the room on the second floor had gained weight, lying lazily and motionless in the cotton all day long. Qin Huai said that there might already be a baby rabbit.

In order for the rabbit to have cubs, Mu Nan also put a heater in the room, just like a small sun, placed in the corner of the rabbit's nest, a battery can use the heater for one night, according to Qin Huai, the rabbit The fecundity of rabbits is very powerful. One litter can give birth to seven or eight litters, and several litters can be born in a year. After all, it only takes one month for a female rabbit to conceive and give birth to cubs. This is related to their future rations, so Mu Nan attaches great importance to it. A small generator was installed, which was connected to a small solar heater in the room to provide heat twenty-four hours a day.

In order not to let the strange smell make the pregnant female rabbit nervous, Mu Nan could only hold the door and look in: "The chicken breeding failed, the rabbits picked up this winter should be successful, bro, if we feed the rabbits, Can it survive the heat in summer?"

Qin Huai was weeding the vegetables in the nearby greenhouse. Half of the soil in the vegetable pot was ordinary soil and half was nutritious soil. Seeds of plants and even small insect eggs, so carefully observe every day to see if any grassy plants that grab nutrients have grown, or some small insects have hatched. Hearing Mu Nan's question, he laughed and said: "Isn't there solar energy in summer? Just turn on the air conditioner."

Mu Nan nodded: "That's right. I don't have to worry about power outages with my own solar energy. Little rabbit, live more. At home Whether you can eat meat or not in the future depends on you."

Qin Huai: "The rabbit said, if you keep nagging me every day, I won't have children."

Mu Nan turned to Qin Huai after hearing this and glared at him: "You hold back your words. !"

Qin Huai laughed straight away, put down the watering can, and came out of the greenhouse with the cut weeds: "Here, take it to feed your little rabbit."

Mu Nan looked at the grass in Qin Huai's hand, and immediately oops He said, "I didn't buy grass seeds!"

Realizing that he didn't seem to have any grass that could feed rabbits except for sweet potato vines and various vegetable leaves, Mu Nan couldn't help but began to rummage through his seed stock, thinking that he would No luck, I bought so many seeds, some of them were wrong, or the boss just gave some forage seeds as a gift.

As a result, I rummaged through all the boxes of seeds on the kang, and there was not a single forage seed: "There are even blueberry tree seeds, but there are no grass seeds!" Qin Huai said: "No matter how long-term you think, there will always be seeds.

" Omission, it's okay, just ask someone to inquire next time, and the above has also started to breed, and it will definitely grow feed. At that time, we can grow or buy it, it should be fine." Mu Nan sighed: "That's the only way, I hope

those Sweet potato vines and the like, rabbits can eat nutrition."

Qin Huai reassured: "It must be enough, wild rabbits have grown so big eating weeds outside, and it was so hot last year, all plants were dried, but those rabbits still It has survived, which proves that the vitality is tenacious, and now there is food and drink for it, which is much better than the life outside, and those little rabbits will definitely be born well." Mu Nan observed for a few more days to confirm that the female rabbit was really

pregnant Now, the belly is getting bigger and bigger, and the temper is getting more and more irritable. The male rabbits can't get close at all. Even when they go in to do the cleaning, they have to avoid the place where the female rabbit is, and lose their temper when they get close to the female rabbit.

Mu Nan rolled up a pile of dirty cotton and pee pads, quickly put new ones on and ran out. The female rabbit kept staring at him, feeling like she was about to scratch someone violently at any time: "Don't mess with him. Not to be messed with, even females with cubs are not to be messed with."

Qin Huai pulled the plastic bag and asked him to throw the garbage in. These things can only be accumulated in the space for the time being, and they will be thrown out later: "Don't come close, I will give you a paw If I bite you, I guess there is no place to beat a rabid dog now."

Mu Nan shook his head again and again: "I won't come close, I promise not to come close, it's okay to scratch me, if I'm so scared that I won't have cubs, then the matter will be serious."

Qin Huai was speechless to Mu Nan. Thinking of those bastards, he couldn't help but ask, "Would you be reluctant to eat the ones you raised with your own hands?" What's more, it's this kind of furry rabbit, and Mu Nan has liked furry since he was a child, so it doesn't matter if they eat it or not, after all, there is so much meat in the space, let alone one-tenth, even twenty-tenth They haven't consumed any of them yet, and they really need to cultivate feelings. With the breeding strength of rabbits, they probably can't support this house.

Mu Nan looked at Qin Huai with the expression of what are you talking about: "Why can't you bear it? Spicy rabbit head, dry-stir-fried rabbit diced, sautéed rabbit leg, isn't the meat delicious? If I don't want to eat it, I will keep it, thanks. "

Qin Huai laughed, he shouldn't have asked a carnivore if he was willing to eat rabbit meat.

After feeding the rabbit and weeding, Mu Nan hopped down the stairs with ease. When he saw the calendar hanging on the wall, he asked, "Is it time to take your temperature today?

" There was a knock on the door, and Qin Bing's voice: "Please open the door and take your temperature."

The two happened to be on the first floor, and Qin Huai picked up a coat and put it on before opening the door.

Qin Bing trotted into the house with Qin Huai carrying a big bag, and Mu Nan stuffed him with a cup of hot tea: "You can drink it directly, this is not freshly boiled water." After Qin Bing thanked him, he

put the bag he was carrying When I got to the ground, I took out a piece of paper from my pocket: "This is the exchange details. I know that you exchange peppers and tomatoes at home, so the exchange supplies are based on tomatoes and peppers." The last time I took my temperature

, Qin Huai asked if he could use tomatoes and peppers for some seasonings. In addition to oil and salt, there are also soy sauce, oil, cumin and thirteen spices. They brought some of these things from home, although there are many in the space, But there are not many exposed to the outside. After making things with big ingredients several times, these things will naturally be less.

Another reason is that the tomatoes and peppers upstairs have grown to fruit, and they have to be harvested. Although they can be stored in the space, there is no need. Originally, Mu Nan planned to rely on planting to support his brother. A legitimate harvest of course requires a proper exchange of things, and it's nothing to be ashamed of. So when Qin Bing took out the exchange details, Mu Nan stretched his head to take a look.

Salt is a very important material, so it is a little more expensive. Ten catties of tomatoes are one catty of salt. After all, there are not many tomatoes in ten catties, but one catty of salt can last for a long time. The leaves are light and weightless. If you change them by weight, you will need more tomatoes and peppers. Qin

Bing said: "I brought the seasoning, but I don't know how much oil you want. If you don't have any at home in a hurry, I will bring it along the way during the inspection in two days. Take a look at these and see how much you want to change."

Mu Nan asked, "Can we exchange new coins now? Our neighbors probably need them too, but they probably only have new coins." Qin Bing shook his head: "I'm afraid the new currency

transaction is not available for the time being ." No, I don't have a machine in my hand. If I need it, I have to go to Building No. 1 by myself. There is a machine in Building No. 1 that can be used to swipe, so it should be possible to change it."

Mu Nan smiled and said, "It's just that there is no delivery service." Said Looking at Qin Huai: "Brother, how much do we want to change? I'll go up and pick it."

Qin Huai said: "Pick off the cooked ones first, weigh how many are there, and change them."

Mu Nan ran up to pick them, Qin Bing said: "Then you pick it first, I'll go and take the temperature of the next few households before coming over."

Mu Nan took two boxes, a basket of tomatoes and a basket of peppers, some peppers were already turning red, anyway As long as they grow up, they can eat them. The harvest of the whole living room on the third floor is not enough for two frames. There are some tomatoes or peppers that are slightly smaller. Mu Nan didn't pick them, so they keep them on top, so they can eat by themselves in the future.

After he took down the two big boxes, Qin Bing came back after measuring his body temperature, and weighed it with his portable scale. The salt was changed to three catties, the cumin was changed to two catties, and some other big ingredients Qinhuai They were all replaced, and the remaining 20 catties of oil were changed: "Don't worry about the oil, I still have it at home, just bring it over when it is convenient next time." Qin Bing poured the tomatoes and peppers into the bag, and he took it with him

. There was not much seasoning left, only a few catties of salt and cumin chili powder, the rest were kept by Qin Huai and the others, but they replaced it with tomato chili, and filled a bag full, and when they came in, they carried it in Yes, I carried it out when I went out.

Qin Huai said to Mu Nan: "Go next door and ask them if they want to change it."

Mu Nan said, "How are you going to change it with them?" Is it a little too generous?

Qin Huai said: "You put a small name outside. If they want to change it, they can take the amount and write it down. When the Internet is connected, they will pay for it."

He wanted to give Mu Nan stewed meat, although the two families were so far apart. He said, but he couldn't guarantee that the smell would not disperse. He asked Mu Nan to ask Jian Chu, just to pass the thing in his hand directly, so that the neighbors would not be surprised by the smell they made in the house. , although it is a little troublesome to do so, but since you want to live in groups, you can't completely ignore your left and right in this world.

Mu Nan thought it was okay, so he ran over from the garage and knocked on the door of Jian Chu's house. Because Xu Ming lived close to the garage, it was Xu Ming who opened the door. Mu Nan said directly: "My brother just changed a lot. Do you have enough seasoning, do you want to change it?"

Jian Chu came over wearing slippers: "Change the seasoning? What's the matter?"

Mu Nan: "Oil, salt, sauce, vinegar, thirteen spices and so on."

The things were taken by Qin Huai Stacked in the living room on the first floor, there was a small lamp to illuminate it. Xu Minghe and Jian Chu Yu Zibai both came over. It's better to change together.

Jian Chu and the others were indeed short of seasonings. They originally thought that if Qin Huai and the others didn't change much, they wouldn't change it, but when they saw a lot of things in the living room, they were shocked: "There are so many." Mu Nan said: "

Use The tomatoes were changed, and the tomatoes and peppers upstairs have grown a batch, and they will rot if they are not harvested, so do you want something more durable?" Of course they want it, Xu Ming said: "How ?


Nan brought over the small scale and the small book: "Write down how many scales you change, and when the Internet is connected later, these things can be bought from the official website, and you can give us as much as you want at that time."

They They all thought it was good, so Xu Ming and Yu Zibai went to pick things up and said, Jianchu went to Mu Nan and asked him: "Can you play cards?" Mu Nan looked at Jian Chu: "

Mahjong? You want to play cards?" If it was poker, Jian Chu would definitely not ask him that. They played it last time, so it would only be mahjong. Thinking of Jian Chu's skill in making cards, he dare not think about what mahjong will be made of. , but it is impossible for him to take out the mahjong in the space. It would be too unreasonable for them to bring mahjong with them when they came over.

Jian Chu said: "Where is that? Isn't the family behind us surnamed Huang? Their family opened a mahjong room. When they were shoveling the snow yesterday, they asked us if anyone wanted to play." Mu Nan shook his head: "I don't play

, You don't know how to play, do you want to go?"

Jian Chu was indeed a little cautious: "Staying at home is still staying, it's too boring, and you can hear a lot of news if you have more contact with people."

Mu Nan said: "Then don't go alone, let Yu Zibai go with you, otherwise it's not safe."

Jian Chu also felt that it's not safe to be alone, so he asked Mu Nan if he wanted to play together, but Mu Nan didn't agree. He didn't force him to go if he wanted to. As for Yu Zibai, Jian Chu couldn't help but shook his head, let's forget it. He could only imagine the picture of Yu Zibai at home typing on the computer and reading books, but he couldn't imagine the picture of Yu Zibai playing mahjong. Next time It's okay to ask Song Jia about Xue Xue. If Song Jia is not interested, he can only give up the idea. It's too difficult to stay behind closed doors without electricity or internet.

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