Chapter 4 ❥

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I woke up with a splitting headache, I pushed my head into my pillow and let out a cry of frustration why did I drink the day before a game that's so unlike me I would never do anything to throw me off my game like that what was wrong with me 

I pulled myself out of bed and started to get ready trying to not let the pain of my headache overcome me I had to be at the grounds in an hour if i had any hopes of to catch the team bus let's hope I get there on time


I had arrived at the training grounds and parked my car where it would be waiting for me when I got back

I had barley 5 minutes to spare seeing as I had spent too long in the shower the warm water almost lulling me back to sleep so I ran to where the bus would be parked to see Jonás standing impatiently beside it with his arms crossed only unfolding them when he saw me to tap his watch mockingly to tell me how late I in-fact was

"I'm sorry I'm sorry I overslept my alarm didn't go off" I lied

"Your lucky the bus doesn't set off before bang on the hour or you would of had to find you own way to the stadium" he said obviously irritated

" I know I apologise" I said impatiently just wanting to get on the bus

" your supposed to be are star new player and along with that comes expectations my expectation of you is that u show up on time and that u set a good example you being late today shows the other girls that just because your the hot shot around here u get to be late, this won't happen again Arabella, I appreciate things can be overwhelming and u may be stressed but it's part of the job so let this be lesson that if ur worried your alarm won't go off set two" he said clearly very frustrated

I didn't say anything in return I stepped past him and got on the bus sitting in the first available seat at the front of the bus I felt everyone's eyes on me they must of overheard the conversation me And Jonás had I was so humiliated I felt hot tears prick at my eyes but I did my best to hold them back I didn't need everyone thinking I was a big baby who cried when she got yelled at

As soon as Jonás got on the bus the driver set off and even tho it wasn't a long drive to stadium It was definitely going to feel like one


We arrived and all got of the bus, but I wasn't prepared for what I was going to be greeted with when I did, hundreds of screaming fans with signs and holding pieces of paper out waiting to be signed, I mean of course I excepted fans to be there awaiting are arrival yelling as we got off the bus but I didn't expect to be yelling my name

Hundreds of people with my name on there shirts hundreds of people wanting autographs it was crazy but it also made me happy that it didn't matter what club I played for people were still going to love me

I started to walk towards the fans and started to sign as many papers as I could before I was ushered into the building obviously needing to get warmed up

I walked into the changing rooms walking in after all of them seeing as I was trying to entertain all of my fans to see the girls instantly look in my direction

"Well you got quite the reception" Katie said laughing

"Yea I mean I can't say I was expecting it" I said laughing nervously, sitting on one of the benches

"Oh please don't be so humble your one of the best in the world of course they were going to be there for you" Steph said

"What can I say I'm humble girl" I said sarcastic earning a few laughs from the girls

Hand in hand ; 𝐋𝐞𝐚𝐡 𝐖𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐚𝐦𝐬𝐨𝐧 Where stories live. Discover now