Chapter 11 - Maid to Clean

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"It's nice of your friend there to offer for you losers to clean this place up before my parents come home from vacation. I was really not looking forward to doing it myself", teased Cole. Brayden and Aiden both gave Owen a dirty look. Owen just looked at his feet, and avoided eye contact. 

"Too bad we didn't have french maid uniforms for them. I am sure these sissies would love to wear them", joked Mitch.

Cole gave the boys their cleaning duties. He addresses Owen first, "Glasses! you get to clean my room and do my laundry, because I know you love my socks. I will supervise you to make sure you don't have too much fun".

Next was Brayden. "Aiden's friend! you are cleaning the rec room and kitchen. Mitch will beat your ass if you slack off", threatened the senior.

Finally he came to Aiden. "alright runt, I saved the best for you. You get to scrub the bathrooms. Any back talk and Tex will make you use a toothbrush! then make you USE the toothbrush!" Aiden gagged a little at the thought of it. 

Cole wasted no time shoving Owen away, toward his bedroom. Tex picked Aiden up under one arm, just as he had the day prior at school. This time however, Aiden kicked and screamed, shouting, "put me down! I can walk". The giant linebacker just ignored his protests, and headed toward the nearest washroom. 

Mitch took a more relaxed approach, and remained on the couch with his feet on the coffee table. He didn't take his eyes off the football game as he finally spoke to the nervously waiting freshman. "Get me another beer, kid. Then start cleaning up all the empties and garbage", ordered the blond haired senior. "oh, and give yourself a wedgie or something", added Mitch. Brayden quickly complied with all three requests. He hoped for leniency if he could stay on the football star's good side. 

Owen's POV

Once in the bedroom, Cole ordered the nerdy freshman to hand him his glasses. Reluctantly, the frightened teen took them off his face and handed them to Cole. "please don't wreck them, my parents will kill me", begged Owen. The senior gently placed them on the bed side table. 

Cole then order the teen to turn around, Owen knew what was coming next. Cole dug his fingers down the back of Owen's pants latching on to the not so tighty whities. After this morning's atomic wedgie, and this afternoon's scarecrow wedgie, the white fabric was already pre stretched, and easily went over the nerd's head, and latched firmly under his nose. 

Owen put up no fight as his tormentor picked up rope off the floor from the earlier tie ups and used it to bind the skinny nerd's wrists together behind his back. Cole then brought the two ends of the rope around the front of Owen's waist, and tied it off, far from the reach of his fingers. "How's that?" asked Cole, "it's not cutting off your circulation?" Owen wiggled in his bond then silently shook his head. 

Cole explained how this was going to work. With his hands already tied behind his back, Owen was going to have to crawl around the room, picking up dirty clothes with his mouth. Then he was to deposit them in the laundry basket. The same with any empty water bottles or trash around the room. It was to go in the wastebasket. If he wasn't done in 15 minutes, there would be a punishment later, for him, as well as the other two. 

Once Cole finished explaining, Owen mustered up the nerve to confront the towering football player. "You said if I accepted my nerd punishment and sniffed and licked your gross feet and smelled your shoes earlier that you would take it easy on us this weekend!", Squeaked the terrified teen. After quickly pausing to muster some more courage he continued, "but you have done nothing but terrorise us the whole time!" 

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