Chapter 3: Information and Introduction. (Revised)

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3rd POV

As the soldiers waited outside the door to the amphitheater, Jaune said something to the soldiers.

Jaune: I want you to reveal only your names, nothing else. Only 141 will reveal their information since Ghost has the tablet. Roger?

Marines: Yes sir.

Jaune: When I open that door, I want 141 with me at the front with you lot in a hell march.

Meanwhile inside, Ozpin tapped the mic to hear the feedback.

Ozpin: Attention.

Everyone looked to Ozpin questioning why he called them there.

Ozpin: It has come to my attention that we have some of you have noticed new arrivals here at Beacon.

Random Student: The transfer students?

Ozpin: No, I am talking about the group of soldiers that were seen with some of the first years and second years.

Random Student 4: Yeah who are they!

Ozpin: They are some new guards and teachers.

As he said that Jaune pushed the doors open to reveal 141 and the Marines in a block, with everyone staring at them.

Jaune made a signal with his hand and with that the mini hell march began.

Cardin: Wait a minute?

Sky: What?

Cardin: Is that Jauney boy?

Team CRDL looked on at the front to see Jaune leading the soldiers.

Dove: That is!

Russel: But why is he with them!?

As the group reached the stage, they stood in a line facing the students.

Ozpin handed Jaune the mic telling him everything he needed to say and do what you want.

Jaune: Hello students. My name is John Price but some of you may know me as Jaune Arc.

Once he said that everyone's eyes (Minus Team RWBY, (J)NPR, and CFVY) realizing the student who went missing is standing in front of them.

Jaune: Now I am limiting some information, but from now on assigned from Ozpin himself, I will be your new teacher for a new class.

Cardin: Oh hell no!

The students turned to Cardin while the soldiers didn't even flinch.

Cardin: There is no way in he-


A gunshot hole appeared between Cardin's feet, with that everyone turned back to the stage.

Ghost with a smoking pistol in hand only said.

Ghost: I suggest you listen first. *Holsters pistol*

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