007 a familiar face

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Marcet sine adversario virtus

Latin for 'their strength and courage drop without an antagonist.' Both Mace Passel and Ariadne's father, Silas Nott used the phrase to sign off their letters. The words were practically burnt into Ariadne's mind as she read over their letters, which ranged from gossip to their muggle hatred, memories and war. She needed these letters to learn more about the pocket watches they carried, however their writings just served as a reminder of their cold and calculative characteristics. He hadn't changed. Not in the slightest. Silas Nott was still the man Ariadne remembered. Nearly twenty years had passed and even in writing he managed to unnerve her. His last letter dated back two months prior, where his weekly writings stopped.

Downstairs, Ariadne made herself tea, stirring the hot liquid as she stared out into the streets. The tree leaves resembled the colour of a warm sunset, the bare branches visible as they began to shed. The streets were covered with fog, very little perceptible as a thick cloud covered the city. Bombey had made them pancakes for breakfast. Ariadne couldn't remember the last time she had pancakes. It was probably years back when she was still a student at Hogwarts. She smiled at the thought. Times were simpler when NEWTs were the only thing on her mind while running around the grounds of Hogwarts. She missed how the outside world seemed to disappear when she was surrounded by the majestic castle. She missed the excitement of winning a quidditch match and the stupid Slytherin common room password.

Wait, that's it. A password.

It was clever, a way to lock an object's secret without the use of a charm to open it. It was impenetrable too. Without the specific words, the object would stay inanimate, revealing not the magic that it possessed. Merlin, she should have thought about it sooner. And there could only be one phrase that both Silas Nott and Mace Passel repeated too often.

Theseus' footsteps were heavy as he stormed down the stairs, grabbing his coat as he passed the hanger, his voice rang out. "There was another rally."


"We need to go." He outstretched his hand and without thinking, she grabbed onto him. With nothing in her stomach, she felt queasy as they apparated. Near the Wallace fountain, Mathéo checked his watch, impatiently waiting for them to arrive. People over-decorated the area, marching to their desired location, too self absorbed to notice certain individuals that seemed to disappear into thin air.

"How recent was the attack?" she turned to Theseus, who started walking towards the Head Auror, leaving her to follow. "Theseus," he didn't hear her over the commotion, "Theseus!" Okay now, he was just ignoring her.

"Ahh, there you two are," Mathéo met the pair in the middle, his hands moving to their arms. In an instant, they apparated into a factory site. Both Theseus and Ariadne were shocked at the sudden change of scenery.

He really had to stop doing that.

Smoke drizzled over the atmosphere, tall buildings rusted with bricks that were degrading. Triangle roofs overlooked the Seine River as aurors bordered the site, all examining every inch, looking for clues that would lead them closer to Grindelwald. The misty air enclosed the aurors as their surroundings were blocked off by the fog.

"How recent was the rally?" She repeated her question to Mathéo, residual bitterness entwined within her words as she tried her best to dial down her anger.

Mathéo shot Theseus a look. "He didn't tell you?"

"There wasn't time too," Theseus responded shortly, his eyes avoiding hers as he scanned his surroundings.

There wasn't time my ass-

"An hour ago." Mathéo didn't miss Ariadne's glare at Theseus. "You two should start looking around. I'm sure there's something of use." Without wasting a second, Theseus walked away. Mathéo glanced at Ariadne who shrugged before chasing after the brunette auror.

"What's your problem?" She asked bluntly as she reached his side.

"My problem?" He scoffed, malice in his voice. Opening her mouth to retort, two figures wearing black caught their attention. Quickly, she pressed her lips together. The two men stood out like sore thumbs. They were watching the pair of aurors, only turning away when they were caught. They walked between an alleyway, created by two large factories. Within the moment, Theseus marched up to them, his pace quickening as he pursued the two men. "Hey!"

Ariadne sighed before following Theseus. Her wand was in her hand as they turned the corner, only to be met with charms blasted their way. Theseus was quick to react as he muttered 'Protego' and as the charms dispersed into his shield, Ariadne returned two stunning charms, one sent right after the other. When they blocked them, she began to get creative throwing wooden barrels their way. Some flew while others tumbled, the cylinder objects surprised their perpetrators who attempted to avoid them. One's inattentiveness allowed a wisp of string to wrap around his body unnoticed. Only when she tightened her hold did he realise the force holding his arms together. Preoccupied with removing the man's wand, she didn't notice the other wand pointed her way. Theseus blocked the charm for her. The noise made Ariadne snap her head towards the other man. Theseus cast a spell that knocked the man to the ground as Ariadne finished him off by binding his arms together.

With their hats and disguises gone, Ariadne recognised one man, the one who she tied up last.

"Hello darling," Edwin Flint smirked up at her. His blue eyes pierced through, causing her to feel like her soul was on display. She hadn't heard his voice, seen his face since forever. The taunt in his voice didn't go unnoticed either. Under his gaze, her throat constricted, tightening as her heart pounded in her ears.

"Ariadne," Theseus warned. The string binding their limbs began to tighten. The other man groaned as his body was contorted together. At the sound, Ariadne narrowed her eyes at him. She couldn't recognise him. He was just another face of Grindelwald.

"Get up," she hissed, watching as the man scrambled while Flint slowly hauled himself up, an aurora of arrogance surrounded him, contrasting with the man next to him. Ariadne wrapped her hand around Flint's arm, squeezing tightly in warning. Not caring how harsh she was, she shoved him forward, impatiently waiting for Theseus to grab a hold of the other man.

They walked back to Mathéo who immediately transported them back to the Ministry. Both Flint and Isaiah Cypress - the other man who Ariadne later learned his name, were separated into cells. Mathéo had congratulated them and told them of their lack of findings. Whatever had happened on the site, there was no trace of anything. It seemed that Grindelwald had gotten more careful and Ariadne had a sickening thought that maybe, he had realised they were on his trail.

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edited 12.05.24

Long Story Short | Theseus ScamanderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora