Chapter 26

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Almost there. Deep breaths. I remind myself as I reach down. "Ah!" I yelp as pain shoots up my stomach.

"Mama bear!" Dante bursts into the room startling me. "What's wrong?"

"I can't reach." I pout holding my purple nail polish in one hand.

"I'll do it." He grins walking over to the bed. Aless had to go in to work today leaving me on bedrest. Dante took it upon himself to guard the door making sure I'll ask him for what I need instead of going down my self.

He takes the purple polish from my hands and concentrates on coating each toenail. "You think I can do yours after?"

His lips quirk into a grin, "obviously." I grin back at him and retrieve my nail polish pouch. I pull out every color lining them up to show him. He gasps grabbing the brightest color, "Pink."

"Hands and toes?" I ask putting the rest of the colors away.

"Just toes, I don't wanna scare away the ladies." He waggles his brows.

"Pretty sure you already do." I laugh making him scowl at me. Just as he opens his mouth to defend himself a call from B comes through my phone.

"Hi." I grin.

"I haven't seen you in forever." She whines, "how you feeling? Has your fever subsided?"

"Yes." I groan, "Aless had me on bedrest the past two days. I'm perfectly fine, maybe over rested."

She laughs, "good, well then since you're feeling better I was thinking about going over?"

"Sure, but weren't you on bakery duty?" I hear a car door shut in the distance and some shuffling before she answers, "yea but Oak wanted to open today since him and Seb had an argument. He just wanted to take his mind off things."

"Aw," I frown, "I hope they work things out." Oak and Seb were supposed to celebrate that Oak's finally a part-time TA but Seb never made it to dinner.

"Who?" Dante perks up, "work what out?"

"Who's with you?" Brie gasps.

"Dante, he's painting my toenails because I can't freaking reach anymore." I huff. Dante laughs at me,  struggling to neatly coat my nails.

"What!" She screeches, "I'm on my way." The line goes quiet making me chuckle.

"When Brie gets here can you go open the door? And bring me Dr Pepper?"

Dante gapes at me, "you hate Dr Pepper." Dante convinced me to try it a few days ago, let's just say my puke ended up on his shoes.

"I'm carving it." I frown.

"You couldn't stomach it! You puked on me!" He shutters as he remembers.

"But I really want some." I frown making him sigh. "Fine, you're done if you puke on me."

I grin as he gets off the bed and goes to retrieve my soda.

Dante and Brie's bickering is heard as he comes back up the stairs. "Stop it!" I hear followed by a smack.

"You stop it!" I watch amused as they both slap each other's hands, "mama bear she's bullying me." Dante pouts handing me a soda.

"Stop being a big baby." Brie groans. She plops onto the bed landing on her belly, "what are we doing?"

I show her my half painted toenails, "Pedicures."

"Ou, pretty. At least he's good for something." She grumbles eyeing Dante.

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