Chapter Eight

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Flashback continued

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Flashback continued

Lightning flashed across the sky adding to the already eventful night. It had been an excruciating hour and a half since Jackson had ran inside to make sure my cousins didn't witness what I had to endure. My aunt stayed by my side doing her best to comfort me while my transformation continued. There were moments where I wanted to pass out from the pain but I knew I couldn't. I had to stay conscious!

Rolling onto my stomach I hunched over and screamed as my clothes began to tear. My bones felt like they were constantly rearranging themselves; continuously breaking over and over until I became familiarized with the pain.

"Oh Venus." My aunt sniffled as she tried to soothe me. "I wish there was something I could do."

"Leave!" My voice sounded gravelly and distorted as I yelled at Aurora. Her eyes widened in shock and terror as she did as I said, sprinting inside the cabin before creating a forcefield around it.

My claws dug into the mud that now surrounded me. My body shivered despite the fact that each cell inside of me was on fire! Gazing at the moon that shone between the storm clouds I watched as the blue beams brightened. As if I were in a trance I continued staring until a soft angelic voice spoke to me.

"Shift my child," The woman's voice soothed me. "And you shall be reborn under my radiant light."

It felt as if molten lava ran through my veins. I released one last scream of pain before it turned into howls. Every cell in my body burned as I morphed. It all happened so quickly and before I knew it I was in the darkest part of my mind—finally no pain.

I slowly stood and patted myself down to ensure I was alright. My clothes weren't torn and I was my normal witch self.

"Is this a dream?" I asked myself.

"Hello Venus." A soft voice spoke in my mind.

"Hello." I answered, trying my best to sound tough. "What do I call you?"

It was then that her wolf form appeared in my mind. Her shimmering green eyes resembled my own. I was in awe at how bright her snow-white fur was. She was a huge wolf—strong and mighty. Her paws were twice the size of my hand. Her sparkling canines stuck out of her mouth as she sized me up, "You may call me Freya."

Present Day

"This a rare sight." The blonde rogue circled me, staring at me with his malicious eyes.

"Indeed it is." This time a she-wolf poked her head around a tree.

"Who are you?" I stood my ground.

"That's not important." The man chuckled. "The question is why is a witch the Luna of Crimson Moon?"

"After seeing that display I'm unsure that she is a witch." The she wolf cocked her head to the side, her red dreadlocks flowed with her movements.

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