Chapter 49- Cassandra's Return

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This chapter contains brief mentions of blood. Viewer discretion is advised.

No one dares speak as we stare at the woman standing in the doorway. Her very presence is enough to mute the party-goers. Slowly, she begins to enter the room, her black boots clicking against the floor as she does so. Dragging her sword made of one of the black rocks behind her, an ear-piercing shriek cuts through the room. Bright teal bolts of energy shoot out from her weapon, casting rays of blue onto her pitch-black armor that look just as sharp as the black rocks. As she makes her way through the room, not a single word of warning is spoken. Everyone backs away from her on their own, making sure to give her no reason to notice them.

I stand my ground and stare directly at her face, wanting to see for myself the power that corrupted the woman who I saw as a sister. With her pale crème colored skin and electrifying blue hair, everything about her is cold.

They say the eyes are the window into the soul. As I gaze into her eyes, I see the same shade of blue that Varian's eyes hold when he's using his power. However, unlike the underlying love and goodness behind Varian's moonstone blue eyes and the power they hold, her eyes have nothing to hide. I can see they're empty. Any goodness that once resided within Cassandra is gone.

Something deep within me tells me that the darkness within Cass wasn't caused by the moonstone, though. After all, I've seen the moonstone's power and all the good it can do firsthand through Varian. The corruption within Cassandra was caused by something different.

"If you don't mind, I'll just help myself to a slice of this cake." She says in a tone that clearly says that she isn't going to take 'no' for an answer.

"What does she want?" Lance softly asked Eugene, munching on some popcorn. "Is she here to apologize or fight? She's probably here for a fight."

Eugene elbows his friend. "Quiet!"

As Cassandra reaches the cake, Rapunzel steps to the side. "It's...where have you been?" She asks with concern.

"Helping myself you might say. It's about time I helped myself, don't you think?" Cassandra pulls out a knife and slowly cuts herself a piece of cake with it. "I thought a lot about how we left things, and it makes me sad." She pouts a bit, and I can instantly see that she doesn't mean a word she said.

Rapunzel, ever the optimist, doesn't read the situation very well. "Oh, It makes me sad too. I-I miss you, Cassandra." She gently smiles. "I want us to be friends again."

Cassandra picks at her cake. "Yeah...we both have things the other wants, which brings me to why I'm here. I want you to give me the scroll."

My eyes widen as one person flashes into my mind. Varian. He has the scroll. If Cassandra wants it...then he's in danger.

I nervously look at Rapunzel. "Raps, you can't," I whisper.

Eugene nods. "Listen to the kid." He places his hand on his girlfriend's shoulder. "The scroll has the instructions to wield the power of the moonstone and the sundrop."

"Stay outta this, Fitzherbert!" Cassandra warns. "Blondie can think for herself, hm?" She approaches Rapunzel again. "Give me the scroll, and I'll leave Corona in peace."

I clench my fists and step in between Cassandra and Rapunzel. "I don't think so."

Cassandra's teal eyes narrow, warning me. "This doesn't concern you, (nn)." She mockingly says. I flinch ever so slightly. A nickname I once loved being called's meaning quickly changed to something negative with Cassandra's tone. "Let the adults talk. I'd hate to see a child get hurt." She shoves me to the side, and once again gives her attention to my sister.

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