The one where she accepts

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After Veera had considerably calmed down, on Ovi and Saheer's insistence, they all ended up going for a movie. Dressed in a red kurti which very well coordinated with Ovi's red jumpsuit, Saheer was glad to see both of his girls twinning. The movie was one of Ovi's choice and much to his relief, it distracted Veera from the heavy emotions her mind had clouded with.

Both of them knew that it would be a long way to go before Veera would be free from the clutches of the demons unleashed in her mind by her parents. Sharing all of what had happened with her, with Saheer really helped. It had always been difficult letting someone in, but it was Saheer and she trusted him. That's all what mattered.

Deciding not to burden Veera with tonight's dinner, Saheer suggested that they have food in the mall itself. Not to mention, Ovi was ecstatic. After all, who would miss a chance to munch on their favourite chicken nuggets?

Veera knocked on Saheer's door, balancing two mugs of hot chocolate in a tray. That had always been her go-to- stress drink, well setting asides the stress she had endured today, the things she would be speaking with Saheer were even more stressful.

"Hey, come in", Saheer said with his warm smile which had become a new form of comfort for Veera.

"Here", Veera extended one mug to him which Saheer accepted with a thanks.

He then beckoned her to join him in the balcony. As much as Veera loved the living room balcony, she practically would love to live in Saheer's balcony. A perfect view of the city stretched as long as she could see. The twinkling lights seeming like myriads of gems embedded in the night sky and a gentle breeze flirting with her hair. That definitely did help in calming her nerves.

Veera glanced towards Saheer who was already staring at her leaning on the railing of the balcony and sipping the chocolaty goodness. She blushed under his intense stare.

Seeing her blush, yet again assured Saheer of her feelings for him. He would just have to wait now for her to acknowledge and give in to them.

"You make a wonderful hot chocolate Veera. Tomorrow when I will tell Ovi that we both had this leaving her behind, she's gonna be so angry.", Saheer chuckled. He had already tucked Ovi in at her bedtime.

"She sure will be. Don't worry, I have learnt how to placate her.", Veera said with a smile. Though she was smiling and trying to act all normal, Saheer could sense that she was nervous and somewhere did not know how to approach the subject she wanted to speak about.

"Veera, what us it, hmm? Are you alright? You seem really nervous."

Veera gulped a bit not sure how to begin. She glanced towards Saheer who gave her an assuring nod. Nodding back at him, she started, "First promise me Saheer, you will hear me out. Listen to what I want to say and then respond."

Saheer glanced towards her and did the zipping of his mouth motion. She rolled her eyes at her husband's dramatic gestures, but they surely managed to ease her.

"I thought about what you said the other day. Honestly Saheer, I have never known these emotions, these feelings you speak about, because I have never experienced such things in my life. I won't repeat the sob story I narrated today, for you already know all of that, but that's the thing Saheer. I have never known any warmth in my life and with you and Ovi by my side, since I have stepped into your lives, all I have experienced is a never-felt before warmth, happiness and freedom."

She glanced towards Saheer with a soft smile who was eagerly awaiting her next words.

"When you said you want to explore these things between us, I froze. I will be honest here because you make things so easy, so comfortable. As much as I know about relationships, whatever I have been able to grasp with my limited understanding here, I know that what I feel for you is not mere friendship. But Saheer, I did not have that mother who would discuss crushes or boyfriends with me, nor did I have any friends who would discuss feelings with me. My entire life, I was a caged bird in my parents' prison. So let me admit it Saheer, I am scared, scared of feeling things for you, scared of taking your hand which you have extended towards me, exploring those emotions which have always been foreign for me. Please tell me Saheer what to do?"

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