Chapter 15 ~ Pairing

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The movie ended. Holly and I awkwardly said good night and went to our separate rooms. I waited for her to be done in the bathroom before I went in myself. I figured she took much less time, so I should let her go first.

I had decided to stay nice in the apartment, but I'd ignore Holly outside of it. That was the only way to keep the secret, I figured. I didn't want this getting out, for her sake or for mine.

But... she was really kind. And she liked the Radical.

I'd have to think about my decision in the morning.


Monday morning, as usual, I dragged myself out of bed at 5:30 a.m. Holly was already gone, probably on her run. I had long ago noticed her running shoes and her toned legs. She was definitely running, and running far, in the mornings.

I got to the athletic building on campus and went to the gym that was exclusively for student-athletes. It was nice to be one of the only people there so early in the morning. I didn't like crowds.

After working out for an hour and a half, I had thoroughly exhausted myself. I stood on the edge of the gym and drank from a water bottle. The gym was starting to get busier, with a few students rolling in.

A girl came up to me. I was instantly on edge.

"Hi, River! Do you remember me? From the lacrosse team?"

I relaxed a bit. I recognized her.

"Oh, right... hello," I greeted. I forgot her name.

"It's Margaret," she said with a smile. She had glasses, but they weren't as cute as Holly's. "Do you want to work out together for a bit?"

"Sorry, I just finished here," I said. "Maybe another time."

I moved past her and didn't look back until I was in the men's locker rooms. I was so tired of being approached, I really was.

My first morning class went without trouble, but then I realized that Holly was in my second class.

Immediately, my brain went into overdrive thinking of how I should handle this. Do I ignore her? Play it nice? Turn mean?

No, I couldn't be mean toward her again. I didn't like being so hostile to someone so... sweet.

Unable to make up my mind, I walked into the classroom. Three girls surrounded me before I could look for Holly.

"Hi, River! We saved you a seat," said one of the girls. I didn't know her name.

I sat down where they wanted me. I didn't have the energy to protest.

Professor Kindler started the class by talking about a new project. To become familiar with the Adobe Suite programs, we would work with a partner to plan a marketing campaign and design posters for a company of our choosing, all with a Halloween theme to promote their product. Sounded fun enough. I wondered if I was in the wrong degree.

Then I remembered: I was dreadful at art.

Professor Kindler knew this, too.

"When I call your name," she began, "please see me at my desk for your partner pairing."

I waited. Two of the three girls sitting around me got called and paired up. Under the desk, I crossed my fingers. Please, let it not be that last girl.

"River Alves."

I walked to her desk, feeling eyes following me.

"I want you to pair with Holly Turner. She's sitting in the back there if you don't know her," said Professor Kindler, gesturing towards the back of the room. "She's a graphic design major, and a very good one, at that. She'll help you get your footing in here."

My heart skipped a beat.

"Thank you," I said.

I sat back down at my desk as Professor Kindler continued to call names and pair students together. The three girls around me tried to get me to say who my partner was, but I wouldn't.

"All right, you have about five minutes left of class," the professor announced. "That's just enough time to exchange numbers and figure out when to work on the project with your partner. You may move!"

I immediately grabbed my stuff and headed to the back of the room, ignoring the girls' pleas to stay.

"You're my partner, huh?" said Holly with a small smile.

"I don't want to be friends outside of the apartment," I said, keeping my voice low.

Perhaps my words were too cold. Holly dropped her smile and shifted in her seat.

"Oh, okay. Sorry."

I didn't look her in the eyes. I felt so guilty; I really didn't want rumors to spread about us, though. Other girls that hung out near me had lies spread about them, and I didn't want Holly to be another subject of gossip. She was more than that.

"Just... for your sake," I tried to explain quietly. She looked at me, eyes begging me to continue. I ran a hand through my hair. "People get jealous of the girls that I hang out with, so they make rumors about them. I don't want that to happen to you."

Holly smiled, her eyes filling with warmth once again. "Don't worry about me. I can handle some rumors. I'd rather just enjoy our time together."

I should've taken her thoughts into consideration. I nodded. "Okay, then."

"By the way," she said with a sly grin, "you must be the worst in the class to be paired with me."

"Arrogant much?" I retorted.

"Art is probably the only thing I can be arrogant about in my life. My major is graphic design, after all."

"I thought so since you're always drawing on your tablet," I said. "So, why are you taking this class?"

She sighed deeply and said, "I skipped it freshman year, and no one told me I had to take it. So, here I am, right before I graduate."

"You're a senior, too?"

"Technically junior, but a senior by credit."

There was so much that I didn't know about her. I wanted to learn more.

"So..." Holly began. She glanced at me. "Do you want to work on this project at your place or mine?"

I laughed. "Mine, since it's neater than yours."

"Hey, how would you know?" Holly said in mock aghast.

We both laughed. Funny how good the laughter felt.

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