» Chapter20 »

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"Bye JJ!" I call out as I walk into my house. That boy still had said almost nothing the entire way home. What was wrong with him?
As soon as I shut the front door my phone starts ringing. Rafe. Of course.

"Shit you got a punch in you don't you?"
"Mhm." I answer rolling my eyes.
"Listen Y/n. I shouldn't of done what I did, I'm sorry and it was wrong of me to do that." His voice starts to break sounding like he's gonna cry. "I understand that I made a mistake and I am the one treating you in a less respectful way and I want you to know that I'm sorry. I get it if you don't wanna forgive me."
"You wanna come over?" I ask trying to sound nice. I honestly don't know why I was asking. What Rafe did to Pope was very wrong and I shouldn't be forgiving him I don't think. But I loved him. I loved him so much, I feel that he needs to be forgiven even though maybe, maybe he shouldn't be.
"Yeah. Yeah that'd be nice."
"Cool see you soon."

"Hey." Rafe says as stumbles around my bedroom, trying to get his footing back after falling through my window
"God. Was that just me that did that or?" I ask looking at his face which is a little bruised but will be more purple in the morning.
"Uh well it was mainly you but some was the others too." He shrugs.
"Come on, I'll take you to the kitchen."
"Oo a full house tour." Rafe laughs. It's just then I realise Rafe hasn't actually been out of my bedroom. "Why the kitchen?" He asks following me through my house.
"To ice your face."
"Oh. Okay." He nods.

"Alright I'll get the ice then sit up there." I say nodding towards the bench.
"Dude your 6'2 how am I meant to reach your face without tiring out my arms. I'm 5'6 man, not exactly tall."
(A/n: I just put my height for that but u can imagine it says however tall u are.)
"Yeah fair." He nods leaning onto the counter as I get the ice and a tea towel out. I sit up on the bench and wrap the ice in the towel. "Alright come here lover boy." I say holding the ice out. He stands in between my legs and puts his hands on my waist. "Now now this isn't a make out session. Right now I'm helping your face or whatever."
"Right." He nods leaning closer. I lean closer into him too until our lips touch. I can feel his hand squeeze my waist and his lips push against mine. I bring the hand with the ice in it up to Rafes face and put it right on his bruise.
"Shit Y/n." He exclaims pulling away to which I laugh. "That ice is bloody cold." He say moving my hand off of his face.
"Okay I'll go slower this time." I say as I put the ice back onto his face but a different part, he winces a little as I put pressure on it.

"Okay, we'll continue with the ice later come on." I say putting the ice on the bench and my arms around his neck.
"That sounds good." He smiles. His arms snake around my waist as I put my legs around around his torso.
He picks me up, moving his hands more to my ass then on my waist.
"I love you Rafe Cameron." I say resting my forehead on his.
"And I love you too Y/n Y/l/n." He smiles back at me. "More than anything."
I put my hands on his face and pull him closer to kiss him again. He kisses back the kiss becoming more passionate as time goes by. I pull away and rest my head on his shoulder, I put my hand in his hair as he walks back to my room, still holding me. The way he carry's me reminding me of when I was a little kid and I used to fall asleep on the couch with my dad who would then carry me to my room just like this.
I haven't seen my dad in years. He left when I was 8 when my parents got a divorce. I know he's still alive though because he still pays child support and sends me texts every now and then.

Rafe places me down on my bed and looks at me with loving eyes. I sit up and bring my knees up to my chest.
"Hey what's wrong?" Rafe asks putting an arm around me.
"I don't even know." I say as he holds me close. "I just I just feel so sad."
"Do you know why?" He asks extremely confused.
"No. Well, I guess I just feel bad about having to keep us a secret because I love you. I really do and I wish I could just tell my friends but I know I can't, especially not now. And, and I just love you so much." I say as I continue to cry.
"Aw N/n, sweetheart. I love you. I love you so much too. Hey remember that gift I told you about a few days ago?" He asks as he rocks me back and forth like the child I am.
"Well it should be in here somewhere. I remember I placed in your desk drawer hoping you would find it but I guess you haven't." He says as he moves to the edge of the bed, reaching out and opening my desk drawer pulling out a small jewellery box. "Here open it." He says putting it in my hands.
I open the small thing to reveal a necklace inside. It's a small kind of wavy silver jewel on a leather band.
"I got the band thing as leather so that it doesn't look too expensive and you can wear it around the pouges without being questioned about it and look at the back of the jewel." I turn the charm over.
Rafe Cameron 2001 and Y/n Y/l/n 2004.
Is engraved lightly on the back.
"Oh my god Rafe." Is all I manage to get out. I was speechless, for the first time I was speechless. "Rafe I love it! This is just- thank you! I can't believe you got this for me." I smile still in disbelief.
"Well with the necklace comes a question."
"You're not gonna ask me to marry you are you?" I ask wearily.
"No, no. But uh I was wondering if you wanted to go to Midsummers with me?"
"Yeah. Everyone will find out and they won't care. I promise, please Y/n this would mean so much to me." He smiles trying to get me to go but I can't.
"Rafe, I can't I'm sorry. I'm not ready for everyone to know. I'm so sorry. I'll be there though, I have to waiter there. So you'll still see me." I smile hoping he's not mad. I knows he's disappointed though.
"I understand. Here, let me put the necklace on you." He says half smiling.
"Okay. Thank you Rafe."
"Alright let's get some sleep. You seem very tired." He smiles pushing hair out of my face.
"Yeah let's do that." I nod.

I lye down in Rafes arms drifting off to sleep feeling bad about not being able to go to Midsummers with him. I would love too. It would be so much fun to get all fancied up, but it'll just have to wait. So right now I'll sleep in my bed with my secret boyfriend next to me.

Holy fucking shit daddy issues who?
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