Part 5 Study Date

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A-lyas POV

"Everything's all set for cheer practice tonight, Captain." Stacey told her.

"Great. Thanks, Stacey." Addison said with a chuckle. I appear from behind suddenly and they yell in surprise.

"Fear." I said surprised "I recognize that emotion." The two girls looked at me before chuckling. Stacey walked away trying to catch her breath.
I sighed "Oh, great leader of cheer, I need your help."

"Yeah, of course." Addison said.

"Well I have a feeling I cannot define. My heart seems to skip a beat, my palms are sweaty, and it feels like space moths are in my stomach. I fear that I may have Space Flu"

Addison smirked "I think you have a crush, A-lya."

I made a movement of crushing my two hands together questioningly "Crush?"

She shook her head "No, um, it's when you like-like someone. You know, love."

"I do not know." I reminded her.

"It's when you connect with someone in a really strong way." She attempted to explain.

"And desire, somewhat irrationally,
to be with them?" I asked.

"Yes, that is it." She agreed before adding "Who's the lucky person?"

"A werewolf." I hinted.

Addison gasped in surprise "Wyatt?"

"Yes. He has asked me to join him on a study date?" I told her.

"Wow good for you A-lya" Addison complimented.

"Um what is a study date exactly?" I wondered curiously. Addsion looked in thought for a moment before explaining "It's when you will go somewhere together and you will talk and study and get to know each other."

"That sounds very interesting" I told her.

"When are you meeting?" Addison asked. I looked at the time "Right now"

"Go! Go! Go!" She ushered me and I ran over to the ice cream shop.

"Hey A-lya" he said with a soft smile.

"Greetings" I replied as I went to sit down at the table. He quickly pulled my seat out for me and I smiled.

"So what do you wish to talk about?" I asked him curiously.

"Um..." Wyatt said unsurely "I've never done this before, I'm not sure what to do"

I smiled and whispered to him "Don't worry neither have I maybe we can figure it out together"

We spent a little while chatting about school and different subjects and I told him a bit about my home planet and showed him my bracelet.

"It has a piece of precious stone in it from home" I told him letting him hold it.

"Wow that's real cool" he told me.

We soon ordered some ice cream and sat there eating it and he told me how he and the wolves came to Seabrook.

I laughed "So you're telling me you lied to get into Seabrook because you thought Addison was part of the prophecy of the Great Alpha"

"Well when you make it sound like that I guess it does sound a bit silly. It's just the moonstone was our life force we had no choice but to lie we thought that they wouldn't let us find it." Wyatt explained to me.

I nodded knowing exactly what he meant, I mean we were doing the same thing not that I could tell him that.

"Other than your life force what else does the moonstone do?" I asked curiously hoping to perhaps help the mission.

"Not much it's just a really powerful energy source. He laughed again changing the subject "You know I even had a crush on Addison at one point but now she's more of a friend."

He placed his hand in mine "And I think I like someone else now" Wyatt leaned in towards me he looked as if he was going to kiss me.

I paused nervously and quickly moved away. "I best get going my brother will wonder where I have gone if I am not on time to cheer practice." I told Wyatt.

He nodded understandingly trying to play it off "I'll see you tomorrow"

At Practice Later


"Our telepathic groupthink makes cheer so easy." A-li boasted.

"Yes." A-lab agreed before mocking the other groups "We are even better than you, and you've practiced your whole life."

I jumped in to prevent any tension "So fun. Thank you for inviting us."

The Seabrook squad went to practise.
"Now that they're distracted, we can vaporize them." A-li said as the rest of us said "See the moonstone."

"Don't look at me like that." A-li scoffed in annoyance.

"A-li, we are a peaceful people." A-down reminded.

"Right, sorry." A-li agreed trying to calm herself down "These emotions are getting to me."

"Oh, me too. The joy of competition has consumed me, and, unfortunately, I am just so good at winning." A-lan said sadly.

"We must remember, we are one people." A-lya said disappointedly.

"United." A-spen added.

A-li agreed "Without disagreement."

"And we need to find the moonstone" we all said together.

Lies (Wyatt x Alien OC) Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora