Chapter 8- Inspired

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Hux's pov:

It had been about a month since I had been injured and finally it had healed. My hair looked fine and there were no bald spots. Thank god because otherwise I would if sued Kylo. Rey, Phasma and Mitaka all said that I should of sued him because 'he's a fucking bastard who deserves to rot in hell'. Their words not mine.

I was making my way to class as usual when I was stopped by a teacher I did not know. "Ah you must be Hux!" she exclaimed. She was quite old, greying hair, harsh wrinkles but she looked sweet. "I've heard so much about you!" Luckily there was no one else in the corridor. "We'll not really heard, more seen than heard. It's lovely your modelling for Kylo's artwork! His work used to be so uninspired but now it's full of passion and devotion and it looks fabulous," I choked on air, "Keep up the good work!" she smiled.

I laughed to myself, "I think you've got the wrong person. I don't model for Kylo, we're only roommates."

She shook her head, "No need to be modest or humble. You look amazing in all the portraits! His sketchbook has never been so inspired!"

Is she pulling my leg? She must be, I have never modelled for Kylo in my life. "I think your mistaken, I am not a model or anything. Now you must excuse me, I have to get to class. Nice to meet you though."

Now she looked confused, "Nice to meet you?"

That was weird. But I guess I have one of those recognisable faces. I made my way to my classroom and sat down in my seat. People calling me a drug dealer had defiantly died down now but that didn't stop anyone from moving seats as far as they could away from me. I looked like a looser.

There was like six people on each four person desk now so they didn't have to sit next to me.

I never took any notice though. I'm here to learn, get qualifications, work and then die. Not make friends.

The only friends I need are Phasma, Rey and Mitaka.

After all my classes had finished I made my way back to my dorm. When I walked though the door I noticed it was deserted. No Kylo. He's always here and now he's not. I looked around and saw Kylo's sketchbook lying on his bed.

That's when I remembered what that art teacher had said this morning.  His sketchbook has never been so inspired. I made my way over to it, I redhead down to pick it up and-

The door opened. I threw myself back and jumped into my bed. Kylo gave me a strange look, "Are you ok?" He asked. I nodded a little too quickly for my liking and he stared at me a little longer, "I'm going to have a shower now. Also what colour are your eyes?" he asked. Why does he need to know that?  He shrugged, "Guess you wouldn't tell me anyway.

He picked up a towel and went into the bathroom. Snows my chance. I went straight back to the sketchbook.

I opened it hesitantly and was met with a beautiful pencil drawing of my own face. I studied it. It was so realistic it looked as if it were a black and white photo. He had drawn everything perfectly even the small minor details like my freckles and stuff.

I thought that was the only one until I looked at the other pages ; all drawings of me. Not one of them was anything else. No random landscapes, no quick little doodles, just me.

Ones of me smiling ( I don't know how he drew those) ones of me sleeping (so that's why he was always sketching as I tried to sleep) and one of me behind a table with a knife and fork in my hands rolling my eyes but smiling.  I looked genuinely happy, I don't think i've ever looked this happy in my life. Nando's.

He had subtly taken a photo at Nando's while texting me so he could draw this. I felt a smile and a blush creep up onto my face. I tried to stop it but it was too overwhelming.

Suddenly I heard the shower stop and I immediately closed the sketchbook jumped onto my bed and went on my phone trying to play everything off.

He soon walked back in and I tried to pretend I did not just see all his weird stalkerish drawing of ME! So I actually was a model. And he's submitting these for his work.

"Hux? You ok?" He said. I quickly looked away and nodded. Had I really been staring at him for that long?

Later on as I was studying for a history exam a bowl of pasta was placed on my desk. I looked behind me and Kyle was there smiling with an apron on. He looked so silly yet nice.

I smiled back at him in thanks and began to eat and work. It was actually quite nice.

I heard Kylo scoff but I decided to ignore it. "Come on, take a break for studying to eat." he said but I ignored him. I cant take a break, I have an exam tomorrow and I need to do well.

Obviously I continued to revise but he just was not happy about that. I felt a pair of hands on my waist and I panicked. He picked me up and placed he on my bed then handed me my bowl of pasta.

"See, a break. Also your quite heavy. Not in a rude way I just
forgot your actually quite tall. sun still taller but your like what, 5 foot 10?" he laughed.

I'm six foot actually knob. "Six foot." I mumbled.

"Huh? What did you say?" He teased.

"Six foot." the I realised how loud I had just spoke and tried to quiet down a bit, "I'm six foot." I smiled awkwardly.

He was still not used to hearing my voice and so he looked slightly shocked. But then he laughed, "No say, there's no way your six foot."

That was all he would talk about all night. It was kind of annoying but I enjoyed listening to his voice and I think he enjoyed talking and not being interrupted. Eventually we both went to bed and I think I got the best sleep I've had in ages.

1093 words

Awwww cute.

I ❤️ nando's.

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