chapter 8~ work

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We are finally home. Who knew shopping was this tiring?

"I can carry a few of them," I say while the boys are taking my bags.

"No need, but you can carry your baseball bat," Owen said, and yes, I did buy a baseball bat. I also had it back in Russia. I hid it behind my bed. It just made me feel safer.

We walked to the door, and I opened the door for them.

"Isn't it heavy for you?" Theo asks

"Well, it is, but It's fine"

"Hey guys, are you back?" Henry asks, and I nod.

"Hey Azalea" I hear Dorian say as he walks out of the kitchen

"Hi, Dorian" 

"There's a little something for you on the table," he says. I walk to the table and see a long box.

It's a phone.

"I don't really need it."


"I don't have anyone to call or text." I exsplain

They all look at me. "Azalea, you do now," Henry says, smiling.

"I already put all of our contacts in there."

"Thank you." I smile.

I never had a phone like this; what if I break it? It looks expansive.

Come to think of it, what we brought today was a lot, and it would cost lots of money, and this place is small.

What do they do for work?

"Dinner will be ready in two hours," Dorian shouts for everyone to hear.

I walk to my room and see all those bags that I have to unpack, so I start doing it.

After a good while, I hear a knock on the door.

"Come in,"  it's a weird thing to do, to say come in. Not in a bad way, though; people used to always come to my house barging in without knocking, and I'm glad they did.

"Dinner is ready; let's go."

We walk to the dining room and see everyone waiting for us to come.

I take a seat, again between Theodore and Owen.

Owen took my plate and started to put different foods on it. He's so kind.

We started to eat, and then I remembered what I wanted to ask.

"Hey guys, I wanted to ask, What do you do for work?" I look at them

"Well, Theo is in college; he's on a break for now. I do tattoos." Owen hesitated for a second and started to look at others.

"I do some business, which Dorian actually owns," Henry said.

"Oh, what about you, Kenji?" I don't want him to feel left out; I know what that feels like.

"Same business stuff."

"That Dorian owns?" I question.

"No, my father does." I nod.

"What about you? Do you have any career plans in mind for the future?" Henry asks

I shake my head, 'no'.

"I never really thought about it."

"I know you were pretty good at gymnastics and a few other things."

"I was"

"Was" Dorian questions

"I haven't done it in a while, so"

"What were the things you did?"
Kenji asks

"Gymnastics, ballet, and dancing and such as"

"Wow, that's cool," Theo said.

"Do you want to continue doing them? We can make it work."

"Not really," the only reason why I did them was because of my uncle and that I was making little money so I could pay off my father's debit.

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