The driver.

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It was a sunny day and Michael was driving down the highway on his way to visit his sister. As he drove, he noticed a car in front of him swerving erratically across the lanes.

Michael was worried that the driver might be drunk or under the influence of drugs, so he called the police and reported the car's license plate number.

As he followed the car, he watched in horror as it veered off the road and crashed into a ditch. Michael quickly pulled over and rushed to the scene of the accident.

As he approached the car, he saw that the driver was a young woman who appeared to be in her early 20s. She was unconscious, over the steering wheel.

Michael immediately called an ambulance and stayed with the woman until help arrived. When the ambulance arrived, they rushed the woman to the hospital and Michael followed behind. 

At the hospital, Michael learned that the woman had been suffering from a severe allergic reaction to a medication she had been taking. She had lost control of her car and crashed as a result of the reaction.

Michael was relieved to hear that the woman was going to be okay, but he was also concerned about her medical bills. He knew that a hospital stay could be expensive and he wanted to help in any way he could.

As he left the hospital, he noticed a man waiting outside. The man introduced himself as the woman's brother and thanked Michael for his help. He explained that his sister did not have insurance and he was worried about how they would pay for her medical bills.

Michael didn't hesitate. He offered to pay for the woman's medical expenses out of his own pocket. He knew that it was a lot of money, but he couldn't bear the thought of the woman and her family struggling to pay for the care she needed.

The man was overwhelmed with gratitude and he promised to pay Michael back, as soon as he could.

Over the next few weeks, Michael visited the woman in the hospital and watched as she slowly regained her strength. He was amazed by her courage and determination and he knew that she was going to make a full recovery.

As he sat by her bedside, Michael realized that he had discovered a new sense of purpose in his life. He had always been a good person, but he had never felt as fulfilled as he did now, knowing that he had made a difference in someone's life.

When the woman was finally discharged from the hospital, Mike helped her and her brother find a support group for people with similar medical conditions. He also continued to check in on them and offer his help in any way he could.

For Michael, the experience of helping someone in need had been a turning point in his life. He had learned that the most meaningful things in life were not material possessions or personal achievements, but rather the impact he could have on others. And for that, he was grateful.

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