Chapter 2: Goodbye

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Kess held still, processing the events that occurred. Humans were evil. They were savage. They were controlling. She didn't move. If she did, they'd tranquilize her, and she needed to see where she was going.

They had left her hometown, and were heading to the nearby station. The humans mumbled in their own language (German?), motioning to her scales and fur and horns and everything else on her.

She picked at the metal net. There was no use trying to escape. The humans were in protective gear.

At least I can entertain myself.

Gruffy and Bob, that was their names. One of their outfits was way too big for him, while the other had the most ridiculous hair. I could cut it better than that, she told herself. She trimmed her own amount of fluff around her horns and patches of scales hundreds of times, at least, until she outgrew it.

They also stood high up from the ground and had no tails for balance. When standing her tallest, Kess was maybe to their thigh. But she leaned forward when she walked and stood, like all of her species. It was to drop on all fours and run at their famous speeds within seconds.

Which is why the humans tripwired her only escape. They probably spotted her dark green tail.

Her stomach rumbled. She hadn't eaten in days. Maybe Earth, or wherever she'd be going for the rest of her life, would feed her better.

Kess rested her head. Somehow she wasn't sad. Wasn't too angry. This was bound to happen. Sure, it broke her heart at first. But she suddenly felt the need for a change. Even if that change was off to study ship building then spend the rest of her days building ships.

They reached an incline and stomped up on it, dragging her on the ground. As they entered the ship Kess spotted a few other humans spread about.

They clipped her net to the ceiling. Kess was laying in an awkward position, so she tried adjusting.

"Move another inch and you'll find yourself muzzled, young lady." Gruffy snapped, glaring at her.

She went limp, rolling her eyes. The humans would suffer one day. All it took was one ram from her main set of horns (now single, one was snapped off) to inject paralysis venom into his bloodstream.

The ship closed, leaving the humans inside. Bob climbed up a ladder to what Kess thought was the control center, probably getting ready to take off.

She started naming the other ones. There was a little, short stubby one. He could be Cutie. The one next to him was taller with a long beard. He had huge frames on his face and an intimidating expression. He could be... Burly.

Another barked orders to Cutie, who nodded and didn't move. That one sounded scary. Or like a captain or commander, maybe. He'd be Boss until Kess could think of something better.

The last human was a female, with short blonde hair and a lab coat. Lady. There. That's all of them.

The ship seemed to quake as the engine kicked on. Seconds later, they were all launched upward. Kess hit her head on the ceiling, upset that all the humans were buckled in.

A few moments passed, and the force calmed down. The humans unbuckled and continued as normal.

Except for Lady and Cutie. They stood up, heading right for Kess. She trembled slightly, then reminded herself they weren't armed.

"Don't harm us and we won't hurt you," Cutie said in Universal, unlatching the net from the roof of the room. Kess dropped on top of his arm, where he held her tightly. His glove was uncomfortably cold and squishy.

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