SEQUEL // only human

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as requested, there will be a sequel! (i say, as if i hadn't planned for there to be a sequel from the start hahaha) but i will be taking a short (hopefully) break.

i'm still gonna need a little while to get it together, because despite the amount of time i've been working on this, i've been planning and writing it very, uh... casually. i haven't entirely settled on endings for everything and i'm still not sure how to fit things in chronologically.

(oh right, let me mention the fact that there are four different storylines i have to figure out how to fit together into a single book ahahah)

AND i have some other writing projects to take care of (washable markers readers have been starved for a year, rip)

in the meantime, tell me what you guys would like to see happen in the sequel!! i might use your ideas if they fit into the makings of the plot that i have (or if i really like it maybe i'll scrap the plot lol), and if i do i'll definitely credit you :] group effort haha :)))

don't worry, skz do stay together as a friend group in the sequel, but the stories will be mainly focused on four separate groups of them within the friend group if that makes sense. with the makings of a plot that i currently have, the groups are: minsung, seungin, changhyunlix, and chan by himself (im kinda mean for that ik)

the book is called only human, and yes, it is because of the jonas brothers song that was a huge inspiration for this book and the sequel because one of my friends played it all the time last summer and i couldn't stop listening to it haha

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