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I spat blood out of my mouth and onto Shigaraki's shoes as he punched my face for the last time, leaving me with many bruises, a busted lip, and a bloody nose. "That's it? You really are pathetic. No wonder you couldn't keep your crusty ass mouth shut, instead you spilled the beans and lost your plan in a split second."

A growl was heard before a bruising force met my head and his boot landed back next to him. My vision swam as he spoke. "Be lucky I don't take my gloves off. You could be gone within seconds, and no one would care."

I laughed, "You're right, no one would give a shit! You took the one person no one cares about. How sad is that?"

"I'm going to do some really bad things to you."

"Oh, really? Like what?"

"Break your fucking neck."

I shrugged. "Been there, done that. Nice try though."

He kicked me in the stomach, aiming a punch at my head, only to never make contact as a hand caught his wrist. "Enough's enough. She's getting in your head. Isn't it supposed to be the other way around here?"

Shigaraki ripped his hand out of Dabi's grasp, stomping his way towards the door causing me to laugh. "How cute! It's a pouting toddler!"

The only response to me was a door slammed shut, Dabi's hand locking around my throat, pointer finger and thumb tilting my head up to him. "What the fuck are you thinking?"

"I'm not."

"I can tell." He spat, releasing my head, causing my whole body to fall forward limply. Within a second, he was kneeling on the floor and sustaining my body weight, holding my head up in his hand as the other pushed my body back onto the wall. "What the fuck? I thought you said you were fine?"

"I can say one thing and feel another." I coughed, closing my eyes and sighing.

Dabi tapped repeatedly on my cheek. "Oi! Oi, oi, stay awake."

"What does it matter to you?" I scoffed weakly, peeking one eye open at him, catching a glimpse of worry in his eyes. "Is there a chance little ol' Toya still cares for his pearl?"

His movements paused as his hand tilted my chin up roughly, causing me to wince softly. His hard eyes melted slightly at the noise, but remained dark. "Toya's dead, so, no. Dabi can't wait to celebrate your death with the league."

A humorless chuckle left my throat, ripping my head from his grip. "Yeah, still a tsundere."

A look of anger flashed in his eyes and his fists clenched, causing a spike of fear to rise in me. It disappeared when he simply got up and left quickly. I sighed, looking up to the ceiling with tired eyes. "Happy early birthday to me. Let's see what present they give me tomorrow."

Iris Versicolor - MHA (Dabi x Oc)Where stories live. Discover now